1. introduced a “border” with “Kosovo” 2. abolished the courts and prosecutor’s office 3. enabled the calling number “Kosovo” 4. abolished plates 5. handed over the electricity company 6. abolished civil protection 7. abolished the tax system 8. abolished the courts 9. integrated the police into the “Kosovo” system 10. recognized the passport and identity cards of “Kosovo” 11. requested Israel to recognize “Kosovo” through the Washington Agreement 12. handed over all public enterprises 13. abolished municipalities in the Serbian system 14. enabled the abolition of the monetary system 15. recognized diplomas from “Kosovo” on the 16th, recognized the license plates on the 17th, everything he could give out, he gave out! And even in bg corruption is beautiful


Posted by Dangerous_Swimming_1


  1. Sta je drugo mogao da uradi? Ovo nije krivica samo Vucica vec srpskog etnonacionalizma jos od raspada SFRJ. Ideologija vam je sranje.

    Obrni okreni, Vucic je isti taj ultranacionalista koji je pujdao na ratove. Samo jedan od ratnih huskaca. Svi koji su ga podrzavali tada (bukvalno svi desnicari), koji su se lozili na njega su krivci.

    Kao da bi iko drugi mogao da sacuva Kosovo u sastavu Srbije. Jbt, izgubili smo RAT. Sta bre ocekujete?

    Desnicari, prihvatite jebeni L. Smaraci jedni.

  2. Vucic samo kupuje vreme. Sve moze osim potpisa, jer onda nema nazad.
    Sve moze da se vrati. Samo treba sacekati pravi trenutak povoljan za nas. Setite se kako je Ukrajina potpisala po nju los Minski sporazum samo da bi se bolje naoruzala i spremila za rat i tad su se svi cudili.