Imagine not even profiting off of this but burdening the people with unnecessary risk

Posted by KopeMaxxer


  1. Fuzzy-Tale8267 on

    E ka bere nga zemra lideri sumprem, nuk e degjove. E kemi per nder te ndihmojm Italine tone. Biles, pse jo mos te bashkohemi tha mreti i Surreles.

  2. Perfect-Prior-8417 on

    Retorika nacionaliste e Rames eshte ne sinkron te plote me fashisten Italiane.

  3. Ndoshta si shtet nuk po perfitojme asgje, por ai ne xhepat e tij eshte pothuajse e sigurte qe perfiton.

  4. KingOfTheNightfort on

    Ky mire e ka se populli nuk do fitoje por do humbe, ama ai vete do i mbushe xhepat.

  5. I’m not a fan of Rama, but in global politics, there are more ways of benefiting from bilateral relations than just monetarily.