Trump loves to surround himself with the BEST FELONS!

Posted by golfnut82


  1. CurrentlyLucid on

    The gop is desperate to have a crook for a president, so they can get away with more.

  2. GirthyOldMan on

    That’s a low blow, showing me something from Cowherd that I agree with.

  3. bobsacremento1 on

    The fact that a convicted felon appointed 1/3 of the Supreme Court is just beyond belief.

  4. Each one of those 34 felony convictions required all 12 jurors to vote guilty.

    Thats not just 34 felony convictions. That is 188-0 guilty votes from the jurors.

  5. urbanek2525 on

    Rich people (smart ones) have an easy path to not being convicted for crimes. Only the stupid or careless get convicted.

    Hunter Biden, when he was a drug addict, was still less careless than Trump or his thugs.

  6. The Trump organization is a legit criminal enterprise and should be treated accordingly by the media and anyone in public service. I hate this timeline.

  7. Trump’s awful, but the “34” number wasn’t negotiable. If he was guilty on one charge, then he was automatically guilty of the remaining 33. They’re 34 identical charges, just for different payments of the same crime. Each payment was it’s own individual falsification of business records.

  8. PleaseDontEatMyVRAM on

    I need a spreadsheet of his associates and their crimes/convictions lmao, maybe a column for how long he knew them

  9. mf-TOM-HANK on

    Cowherd has always been a blowhard shock jock, but this is pretty savage and on the nose, honestly

  10. Yorgonemarsonb on

    I think Mitch Garver may have been 0 for 34 in his at bats in t-mobile park (prior to this season on the Mariners)

  11. I fucking can’t stand Colin Coward or anything he says….until this! I would’ve thought he was a closeted MAGAt based on what little I’ve heard him spew over the years…