The helicopter used for the rescue, the signs on the prohibition of bathingthe times between the first call […] to 112 and the actual arrival of help. There are many questions and therefore many issues to be resolved regarding the tragedy of that Friday 31 May.

It was a tragedy and I think it’s right to clarify. It’s good that the prosecutor’s office opens an investigation, although the dynamics seem quite clear.

The detail that strikes me, however, is that the possible absence of signs on the bathing ban could be seen as an omission, I presume, by some body (municipality, province – they still exist – or region). Possible? If that were the case there should be signs almost everywhere, it doesn’t seem reasonable to me.

Posted by DashieTheReal


  1. DashieTheReal on

    Tra le possibili omissioni che comporterebbero il reato di omicidio colposo, su cui indaga la Procura, c’è **l’assenza di cartellonistica sul divieto di balneazione**. Mi sembra irragionevole.

  2. Divieto di balneazione…. erano vestiti, sicuramente non stavano facendo il bagno o i tuffi.

  3. Stiamo arrivando ai livelli dell’ America dove bisogna mettere scritto in evidenza sui dash pods che non sono commestibili, che tristezza.

    Che poi a sto punto, andiamo a mettere su ogni precipizio un cartello con scritto “non saltare” o in cima ad ogni cascata “vietato fare tuffi”.