I looked up online and couldn’t find much information about this.

One site, says "Although the global Lyme Disease Association lists Cyprus as a country where the disease is found, there is no public health surveillance"


Although I couldn’t find the source on Lyme Disease Association.

Why Cyprus doesn’t have a surveillance system?

Are there any known cases of either Lyme Disease or Tick-born encephalitis contracted by ticks in Cyprus?


Posted by el2026


  1. SergeiTachenov on

    AFAIK, Lyme yes, encephalitis no. But it’s an “a colleague of mine asked someone” grade of info credibility.

    I’ve no idea why there’s no surveillance and no labs to check the tick. When my wife got bitten, we basically had to rely on our luck.

  2. a_scattered_me on

    From what I’ve seen, ticks are only around during a brief period. After that it’s too hot for them to survive and they die out quickly (though the eggs still remain for the next season).