Today a friend organized a garden party for her birthday and since it was 25 degrees in the shade I decided to wear a nice spring dress. [Questo vestito]( to be precise (mods let me know if it counts as a promotion, but I think it’s good to have the reference point). The problem is that unlike the model in the photo I have the (un)luck of being moderately endowed in the windowsill department (nothing special, just above average). Don’t get me wrong, the dress looks great on me, it’s a gift from a very special person, and I couldn’t wait to show it off. It simply shows off more than a turtleneck. Well, I leave the house and stop in front of my boyfriend’s shop to say hello, and in the 10-15 minutes I wait for him to clear away from the customers: – the guy from the bar next door stares at me for 50 meters until I arrive and when I pass by him next door gives me a whistle and stares at my tits – a guy goes by on his scooter honking at me like he just got married – a guy across the street looks at me for 2 fucking minutes as he goes by, dislocating his neck to keep staring at me while he walks away and almost ends up crashing into a pole until in a confused way I signal him to fuck off – Another guy passes in the car slowing down most likely to stare at me better since there was absolutely nothing else to look in my direction in that moment. Now I know that I will get comments like “wow how egocentric maybe they were looking at the painting on the wall” but unless they were all cross-eyed I know very well where they were looking. And no, I don’t wear a €200 dress because I give a damn about the judgment or compliments of Mario who is 40 years older than me and has been at the bar since 9 in the morning. And no I’m not calling all men rapists, I’m not saying that women should establish a world dictatorship, etc etc. Said and said again, but it probably needs to be said again. Having made the premise and the pippono, I ask myself a question. But what do people hope to achieve by behaving like this? What should happen? That someone whistles at me in the street saying “beautiful minne miss!” and I say “gosh sir, his eloquence impresses me, why doesn’t he take me out to dinner and then fuck me all night?” Seriously, people catcalling, staring and making comments just seems nothing but disgusting, no one wants to hang out. For heaven’s sake explain to me the thought process of someone who sees a person walking down the street and says to themselves, “damn, I should really let her know how much I’d fuck her.” And then maybe he even complains about being a virgin at 30. Disclaimer: the first person who writes in a comment or PM who wants to see the pussy or something like that gets a photo of my grandmother’s anal fissures.é_fischiare_alle_persone_e_fissarle_per/

Posted by moodybiatch

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