I became curious and went to find the fixed place where it was. The road that can be seen in the second photo is the road that is on the right in the first photo and divides the camp into two parts. The irrigation channel is now completely covered with plants. The land in the place where the camp was is no longer cultivated by anyone. If anyone here has had their family sheltered in this camp, they can tell us their experience.
Posted by Either_Sock4639
Ja dhe kulla e ujit
Kujtime tmerrshme be sa kena hek prej shkive farën e flliqt ja asisha.
Rrespekt maximal e pa fund për mirëpritjën e Shqipëve t‘Shqipnis.
Jeni 👑a për Bes.
Boss, po more ndonje histori interesante ketu, me bej tag ta lexoj dhe une 🙂