Especially when you say……"But Europe turned it into an ideological, electoral issue and forgot it would need people to avoid a “demographic winter” and a resulting economic downturn"….which throws down what it says at the beginning and clearly shows the long-term plan with the arguments of Europe from the 60s.
Posted by HeizGuderian
Plani afatgjate eshte shkaterrimi i shteteve mono etnike dhe kthimi i tyre ne shtete multi etnike. Por kryesorja, me etni qe nuk jane europiane. Sa per argumentat e dimrit demografik, vete ligjet e shteteve e kane shkaktuar kete problem dhe qeverit e kane ne dore te zbatojne reforma per ta zgjidhur. Shqiperia fatmiresisht ka vetem nevoje te permiresoje kushtet qe ti kthehet nje pjese e emigranteve.
Auslander Raus!