Alito Refuses to Recuse: ‘My Wife Is Fond of Flying Flags’


  1. _age_of_adz_ on

    Alito’s letter to Congress takes such a whiny and contemptuous tone. It’s unbearable reading. Embarrassing that this drivel was approved by what should be one of the greatest legal minds of our country.

  2. throwneverywhichway on

    And Clarence Thomas’s wife is fond of fomenting insurrections! How delightful, they really should do lunch sometime!

  3. polish_my_grappel on

    Take the Congress.

    Take the White House.

    Expand the court.

    Impeach the traitors.

    Its the only hope we have. Vote Blue.

  4. IDrewTheDuckBlue on

    Meanwhile Donald and his clowns call every other judge corrupt when they don’t even have a fraction of the appearance of bias as this dick bag

  5. projexion_reflexion on

    Next week: Alito & Thomas wives to fill in, allowing Supreme court to finish drafting opinions while the men go on safari with Harlan Crow. Complaints dismissed as partisan sexism.

  6. H2Oloo-Sunset on

    He is flaunting the fact that he is above the law and accountable to no one.

  7. TouchThemGently on


    author of the dobbs majority opinion has thoughts on a woman’s ability to make her own decisions

  8. These current Supreme Court justices will go down in history as the exact reason the supreme court lost all integrity.

  9. And any non-corrupt judge would know a compromised close family member is a reason for recusal, even for just the appearance of impropriety alone.

  10. hanakuchimimi on

    Conservatives hate virtue signaling but love flying obscure flags to tell their neighbors what’s what.

  11. I mean, what’s the point of being corrupt if you can’t abuse your power?

  12. professorhugoslavia on

    At this point, these Supreme Court scumbags are just spitting in our faces.

  13. Goat_Wizard_Doom_666 on

    :: Nazi flag is flying::

    “Why are you flying a Nazi flag?”
    “That’s not a Nazi flag, my wife just likes red & black flags”

    This straw man is strong.

  14. Up next, Alito shows up in court in a MAGA hat. “My wife dresses me, and I fully support her freedom to do so.”

  15. Alito is 74 years old, Thomas is 75 years old, Roberts is 70 years old. You let Trump win the next election, can guarantee a couple of these justices ‘retire’ and get replaced with young and most likely even worse Christo-fascist deplorables.

    Many many things are on the ballot in November, vote blue.

  16. So far, we’ve heard from him:

    “I didn’t do it…”

    “My wife did it…”

    “We didn’t do it…”

    “We didn’t know what the flags mean…”

    “My wife is fond of flags…”


  17. “And my wife likes planning coup d’état’s! Wanna go for a ride in my motorcoach?” – Clarence Thomas

  18. 9 justices, 18 year terms, one new justice appointed every two years to replace one retiring judge. No judge can serve more than one full term.

    For fuck sake this lifetime appointment bullshit DOES NOT accomplish what it was intended to accomplish. Move on from institutions that were built by men hundreds of years ago that couldn’t conceive of our way of life today.

  19. I wonder if this fondness for flags ever results in her flying a Biden flag, or a pride flag, or if it’s only MAGA and Christian Nationalist flags. Because I suspect it may not just be flags in general that she likes.

  20. Royals-2015 on

    He has no control or say over what kind of flag his wife flies, but has no problem telling every woman in America what reproductive rights she no longer has.

  21. Unlikely_Ad_7004 on

    1) Justice Alito thinks it matters that he is asserting that his wife, not he, flew the flag this way. It does not. The appearance of impropriety exists. He is on THE SUPREME COURT. It is HIS house. I see no mitigating circumstance.

    2) As one of nine justices on the court, his absence does not prevent a ruling. His staunch refusal to safeguard the legitimacy of the Court’s rulings on J6 matters is, itself, problematic because it indicates that Alito has an interest in this case that goes beyond mere enthusiasm for applied jurisprudence.
    3) the flag flown at the beach house is not addressed and cannot be dismissed as easily. How did this flag even come into his posession?