Sanders says he’ll boycott Netanyahu speech,effort%20to%20send%20an%20invitation.


  1. Netanyahu’s not there to give a “speech”. He’s there to beg on his hands and knees for more free shit from the USA.

  2. Considering how Netanyahu has regarded the Biden admin so far he’ll probably endorse Trump in the speech and say if you vote dem you’re an anti-Semite. And then Biden will promise him more weapons, money, and support.

  3. DukeStamina on

    Our tax dollars supporting genocide. This absolutely does not make our country more secure from terrorists.

  4. > “Look, you have a prime minister who has created the worst humanitarian disaster in modern history,” Sanders told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins in an interview. “Israel, of course, had the right to defend itself against the Hamas terrorist attack, but what Netanyahu has done is go to war against — all-out war — against the entire Palestinian people, women and children.”
    “Five percent of the population is now dead or wounded. 60 percent of them are women and children. Some 200,000 housing units have been completely destroyed…….”

    Seems like Bernie is simply applying common sense, again

  5. Netanyahu should not address Congress at this time. Foreign policy is not in the House’s portfolio. Amateur bullshit from damn fools. But Rs want chaos in our streets, so here we go. Idiots.

    Wonder if Bleach Blond Bad Built will wear that fuzzy white thing and heckle?

  6. FewWatermelonlesson0 on

    Can’t see how any self respecting Dem would show up to this, so good on Bernie.

  7. There was a vote about Iran in congress and the republicans invited Netanyahu to speak. I thought it an unneeded intrusion into our foreign policy. I was proud that my reps boycotted Netanyahu.

  8. fkmeamaraight on

    I think it’s a mistake.
    They should all go…and demonstratively get up and leave the room when he takes the stage.

  9. supervegeta101 on

    I don’t like the idea of any foreign speaking to our congress like that. Bibi or Zelensky. If he wants to give a statement like Chuck Schumer did regarding Israel, he can.

  10. Those who disapprove should show up and silently turn their backs to him as speaks, then walk out when he’s done.