40% of Cypriots ‘just getting by’


Posted by fatbunyip


  1. I think people don’t talk enough about the success story of Cypriot economic policy and how focusing on rich people benefits everyone.

  2. Trickle down economics is a bunch of crap, especially when rich people have ways of not paying taxes at all

  3. Evening_Chapter7096 on

    north Cyprus with the same minimum wage and half the cost of living ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  4. just_a_random_guy_11 on

    I know a couple who had to go 40mins from Limassol to a village in order to afford an apartment to rent. They have kids and both their salaries are under 1500. Petrol is fking expensive, electricity is expensive, this shit is depressing.

  5. CelestialDimension on

    This shit island can get fucked, can’t wait to get the fuck off this piece of shit

  6. Fatality_Ensues on

    Cypriot “just getting by”: only one car per family, only three trips a year