A caricature published Azerbaijani newspaper in 1925, showing an Arab sticking out the tongue of two men, one wearing Turkish clothes and the other Persian. With a comment: Enough lazy people, (Referring to the huge amount of Arabic words in Turkish and Persian languages)


Posted by Super-Opinion2030


  1. İ mean, they aint wrong but they also kinda forced it onto us by raising arabic as the holy language of islam, aside from the islamic conquests.

    All the more reasons to start to ditch arabic loanwords, which mostly got into the language for religious reasons anyway.

  2. Mental_Towel_6925 on

    Yes, our culture has a huge influence on the Turks and Iranians, including the letters and the language they use. Of course, I would not say that this is necessarily a really bad thing.

    After all, he was one of the best grammarians of the Arabic language and the biggest influence on it. Like Sibawayh, the Imam of Grammar, he was a Persian in reality. Even the best poets of the Arabic language were some of them Turks and Persians, not just Arabs.