Hey, i parked on a parkinglot of a gym for some minutes with a ,Richterliches Parkverbot’ them i received a letter with 80CHF penalty for that by a parking company.
I ignored it a now received this letter. Should i pay it? I found online that its recommended to pay only up to 60CHF.


Posted by LowAd6573


  1. CH-ImmigrationOffice on

    > i parked on a parkinglot […] with a ,Richterliches Parkverbot’
    > Should i pay it?

    Why _**shouldn’t**_ you pay it?

  2. Impossible_Basil1040 on

    Well depends how much you want to challenge the CHF 80.00 for all of us 😉 not paying will very likely cause a criminal investigation which – if proven guilty – will cost way more so personally id just pay.

  3. Please don‘t pay nothing and leave us a follow-up how well it ended for you.

  4. >I ignored it

    Ahh this will be fun.

    Anyway.. this is actually interesting because in recent times there have been some new judgements.


    Das zuständige Statthalteramt weigerte sich allerdings, die Anzeige der Firma anzunehmen. Die Begründung: **Sowohl das Bundesgericht als auch das Zürcher Obergericht haben in den vergangenen zwei Jahren in solchen Fällen Urteile gefällt. Diese besagen, dass private Parkplätze, bei denen die Öffentlichkeit gegen Entrichtung einer Parkgebühr parkieren darf, als öffentliche Verkehrsflächen gelten. Bedeutet: Dort gilt das Strassenverkehrsrecht. Und wo dieses gilt, ist ausschliesslich die Polizei zum Ausstellen von Bussen berechtigt. Die private Firma hätte dort also gar nicht tätig sein, geschweige denn Geld einfordern dürfen.**

  5. It’s two different things to look at:

    1. If you don’t pay you’ll be snitched to the public prosecutor and you will most likely end up paying more than 80 .- in fine and fees.

    2. However you can try to counter-snitch the company that asked the 80 .- from you for coercion, which then most likely will cause a lawsuit that ends up at the federal court in which will be decided if an “Umtriebsentschädigung” of 80 .- is ok or if it’s a punishable coercion in which case it could get ugly for that “parking company”.

    Afaik so far there is no ruling by the federal court which gives a clear answer on whether 80 .- is too much or not. So you could “take one for the team” and find out by going to court. But it’s of course quite a financial risk because if you lose you’ll end up paying loads of court fees and lawyer cost