Το θεωρείτε καλό; Πρέπει να γίνουν αλλαγές; Τι είδους; Το χαράτσι του ΓεΣΥ να αυξηθεί, να μειωθεί, να μείνει το ίδιο; Να μείνει μονοασφαλιστικό; Να γίνει πολυασφαλιστικό;
Παρατηρήσατε αλλαγές στην ποιότητα της υγείας που προσφέρεται; Σε ποια κατεύθυνση;
Bran37 on
Goodmorning Mr Petrides. Since I pushed the team to invite you I am gonna ask my questions early today
1. Can the ideologies/ideals of Greek Nationalism(εθνισμός if you prefer) and a Bizonal Bicommunal Federal solution co-exist? I am sure your answer is yes(and even though I don’t adopt it for myself I agree -and I think it would be healthy if there was a Turkish Cypriot version DISY) but I would like to hear your view on this.
2. Staying on the same subject, while there is no denial that a majority of the DISY officials support BBF, do you think the DISY base is also open to accepting such a solution?
3. Staying on the Cyprob. Could rotating presidency be accepted within the framework of an overally acceptable solution(is it a dealbreaker?)
4. Opinion on the debate about Nuclear Energy (being considered a clean energy source despite the reactiosn of the Greens)
5. Thoughts on the EU Nature Restoration Law (would you vote in favour/against)
6. Do you have any preferences regarding the commitees you will join if you get elected
7. Congrats to whoever is doing your animations
Pugmaliwn on
What are the reasons you chose to side with ΔΗ.ΣΥ. over other parties?
Personal-Wing3320 on
A foreigner that is oaid 60k annually pays half incine tax than a local making 60k. Locals have less purchasing power than foreigners. How health do you consider this is in the long run?
ximaera on
Good morning, Mr. Petrides!
What is your opinion on Europol’s pressure to weaken the encryption for the chatting software in the EU, also known as Chat Control 2.0?
The **German** delegation is the most influential overall and also one of the best performing proportionally to its size. Conversely, the **Italians**, and, to a lesser extent, the **French** have been underperforming (regardless of the size of their delegations). From among the small countries, the **Luxembourgers**, the **Maltese**, and **Portuguese** punch above their weight the most, while **Hungarians**, **Cypriots** and **Italians** are the most underperforming national groups.
yiannis666 on
This is not a question, merely just my personal opinion but I value and consider you as one of the good guys with quite the brains and the eagerness to help our island from a more substantial position like the one you had in the past. I’m not quite the optimist in regards to the amount of hands on help Cyprus receives from one vote of one MEP in the EU parliament and the influence and impact that that might have on our everyday lives.
EatTheRich4200 on
Do u like cats? How many cats do u have and what are their names? Do you think the government is doing enough to fund and promote trap/neuter/release programs? What would you do differently to create a happier and healthier cat island?
thesaintisdead on
Συγχαρητήρια για την κίνηση αυτή.
Πιστεύετε ότι ο ΔΗΣΥ, κάτω από την κυβέρνηση του οποίου είχαμε ίσως τα πιο πολλά σκάνδαλα τα οποία μέχρι και σήμερα χαίρονται συγκάλυψης, είναι το κόμμα το οποίο σας αντιπροσωπεύει περισσότερο? Αν δεν υπήρχε ο ΔΗΣΥ με ποιο κόμμα θα ταυτιζόσασταν περισσότερο?
Ozyzen on
Mr Petrides, why would Turkey accept a solution which is in our (GCs) interests?
Years ago we thought that the EU membership “carrot” would encourage Turkey to make concessions, but they didn’t, and now the membership of Turkey isn’t even on the table as most EU countries do not want them.
Later we thought that we could entice Turkey to a decent solution with our natural gas resources, but it again became obvious that Cyprus is too strategically important for Turkey to give up just for a bit of gas, which apparently they believe they can just steal anyway without giving anything in return.
So isn’t it clear that Turkey would currently accept a “solution” to the Cyprus problem only if with such a deal it would expand its control and its own interests over our island?
The TCs were promised by Turkey their own country in the north, but what they got is a puppet pseudo state run by Turkey, with their community turned into a minority in what they were promised would be their own independent country. Are our politicians smarter than the TC leadership?
Suicide and surrender are always “feasible” options. Do you accept that no solution is better than a bad “solution” if a good (for us) solution is not acceptable by the Turkish side?
Καλημέρα κ. Πετρίδη,
Ποια είναι η άποψη σας για το ΓεΣΥ;
Το θεωρείτε καλό; Πρέπει να γίνουν αλλαγές; Τι είδους; Το χαράτσι του ΓεΣΥ να αυξηθεί, να μειωθεί, να μείνει το ίδιο; Να μείνει μονοασφαλιστικό; Να γίνει πολυασφαλιστικό;
Παρατηρήσατε αλλαγές στην ποιότητα της υγείας που προσφέρεται; Σε ποια κατεύθυνση;
Goodmorning Mr Petrides. Since I pushed the team to invite you I am gonna ask my questions early today
1. Can the ideologies/ideals of Greek Nationalism(εθνισμός if you prefer) and a Bizonal Bicommunal Federal solution co-exist? I am sure your answer is yes(and even though I don’t adopt it for myself I agree -and I think it would be healthy if there was a Turkish Cypriot version DISY) but I would like to hear your view on this.
2. Staying on the same subject, while there is no denial that a majority of the DISY officials support BBF, do you think the DISY base is also open to accepting such a solution?
3. Staying on the Cyprob. Could rotating presidency be accepted within the framework of an overally acceptable solution(is it a dealbreaker?)
4. Opinion on the debate about Nuclear Energy (being considered a clean energy source despite the reactiosn of the Greens)
5. Thoughts on the EU Nature Restoration Law (would you vote in favour/against)
6. Do you have any preferences regarding the commitees you will join if you get elected
7. Congrats to whoever is doing your animations
What are the reasons you chose to side with ΔΗ.ΣΥ. over other parties?
A foreigner that is oaid 60k annually pays half incine tax than a local making 60k. Locals have less purchasing power than foreigners. How health do you consider this is in the long run?
Good morning, Mr. Petrides!
What is your opinion on Europol’s pressure to weaken the encryption for the chatting software in the EU, also known as Chat Control 2.0?
Σύμφωνα με το [EU Matrix](https://eumatrix.eu/en/blog/MEP-Influence-Index-2024-Top-100-most-politically-influential-MEPs) οι Κύπριοι Ευρωβουλευτές ήταν ανάμεσα σε αυτούς με τη μικρότερη επιρροή το 2024. Πως εσείς προσωπικά σκοπεύετε να αλλάξετε αυτή την εικόνα προς όφελος των Κυπρίων πολιτών; Ποια ζητήματα θεωρείτε ότι πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστούν σε Ευρωπαικό Επίπεδο;
Πιο κάτω η σχετική αναφορά:
The **German** delegation is the most influential overall and also one of the best performing proportionally to its size. Conversely, the **Italians**, and, to a lesser extent, the **French** have been underperforming (regardless of the size of their delegations). From among the small countries, the **Luxembourgers**, the **Maltese**, and **Portuguese** punch above their weight the most, while **Hungarians**, **Cypriots** and **Italians** are the most underperforming national groups.
This is not a question, merely just my personal opinion but I value and consider you as one of the good guys with quite the brains and the eagerness to help our island from a more substantial position like the one you had in the past. I’m not quite the optimist in regards to the amount of hands on help Cyprus receives from one vote of one MEP in the EU parliament and the influence and impact that that might have on our everyday lives.
Do u like cats? How many cats do u have and what are their names? Do you think the government is doing enough to fund and promote trap/neuter/release programs? What would you do differently to create a happier and healthier cat island?
Συγχαρητήρια για την κίνηση αυτή.
Πιστεύετε ότι ο ΔΗΣΥ, κάτω από την κυβέρνηση του οποίου είχαμε ίσως τα πιο πολλά σκάνδαλα τα οποία μέχρι και σήμερα χαίρονται συγκάλυψης, είναι το κόμμα το οποίο σας αντιπροσωπεύει περισσότερο? Αν δεν υπήρχε ο ΔΗΣΥ με ποιο κόμμα θα ταυτιζόσασταν περισσότερο?
Mr Petrides, why would Turkey accept a solution which is in our (GCs) interests?
Years ago we thought that the EU membership “carrot” would encourage Turkey to make concessions, but they didn’t, and now the membership of Turkey isn’t even on the table as most EU countries do not want them.
Later we thought that we could entice Turkey to a decent solution with our natural gas resources, but it again became obvious that Cyprus is too strategically important for Turkey to give up just for a bit of gas, which apparently they believe they can just steal anyway without giving anything in return.
So isn’t it clear that Turkey would currently accept a “solution” to the Cyprus problem only if with such a deal it would expand its control and its own interests over our island?
The TCs were promised by Turkey their own country in the north, but what they got is a puppet pseudo state run by Turkey, with their community turned into a minority in what they were promised would be their own independent country. Are our politicians smarter than the TC leadership?
Suicide and surrender are always “feasible” options. Do you accept that no solution is better than a bad “solution” if a good (for us) solution is not acceptable by the Turkish side?