After finding the wreckage of the crashed helicopter of Iranian President Raisi, Turkish Bayraktar AKINCI UAV returned home & drew the star and the crescent (Turkish flag 🇹🇷) on the map

Posted by baris6655


  1. Neat_Plenty5557 on

    Heç xənanın yeridir )) Did it on sky of Van so not that big deal. First I thought dron did it in Iran.

  2. Məzələnquri edirlər?) popkornumuzu götürək gedək avropanın və ermənilərin subına görək nə küləkləyəcəklər orda)))

  3. Softdrinkskillyou on

    this is fake i believe

    edit: how is this relevant to this sub anyways?
    edit2: Turns out this is not fake, but still is irrevelant for us.

  4. GreenShen98 on

    Isn’t it humiliating when another country has to come here to find your own president ?

    Apparently they didn’t even have night vision.
    This at least showed that Türkiye and Iran are worlds apart when it comes to military technology.

  5. Flightradarda 200kya yaxın adam izləyirdi bu uçuşu, ona görə edib böyük ehtimal 😮‍💨

  6. Eren_Harmonia on

    Ok but that crescent and star is so excellently shaped. And he drew that without a break. My guy definetly practiced doing that before, it looks so clean. He drew it with a drone/plane!