My chart of Armenian Metal bands

Posted by Ok_Connection7680


  1. Ok_Connection7680 on

    A lot of extreme metal bands since Armenian metal scene is dominated by black/death metal and lacks “normal” metal

  2. I wish Armenians would try to revive more “dead” genres of Armenian music like Mugham and Eastern Armenian Stick dhol + Zurna music rather than creating this ear bleed inducing crap.

    The worst is when people take folk songs and make metal or pop covers of them, that shit is utterly repulsive.

  3. Sweet, i love black metal but i’ve never encountered Armenian black metal before. I’ll for sure check these out later.

  4. lonelyartist11 on

    Check out “Side Project” on YouTube. They’re phenomenal but they only have 4 songs.

  5. Seems like Odz Manouk is from Los Angeles but has Armenian ties.

    I also follow this small Armenian metal band called Perfect Legacy

  6. Pretty much what i listen all the time except theres a few new ones i gotta check out and add!