Hi, I am Oz Karahan, I am a candidate of the Cyprus Greens -Citizens’ Cooperation for the EU Elections, Ask Me Anything. #FreeCyprus #ProgressiveEurope
Hi, I am Oz Karahan, I am a candidate of the Cyprus Greens -Citizens’ Cooperation for the EU Elections, Ask Me Anything. #FreeCyprus #ProgressiveEurope
Good morning, Günaydın.
Dünkü adaya sorduğum sorular muhtemelen unutuldu fakat bugünden daha fazla beklentim var. Sizi yakından takip ediyorum, ve açıkçası bu soruların cevaplandığını görmek güzel olurdu:
Soru 1a: Geldiğimiz mevcut durumun halen siyaset yoluyla çözülebileceğine inanıyor musunuz?
Soru 1b: AP nezdinde buna yönelik çabalarınız neler olacak?
Soru 2: Türkçenin AB’nin resmi dili olması için ne çabanız olacak?
-Genel olarak hedefiniz Cumhuriyet idaresinin işgal altındaki bölgelerde restore edilmesi üzerine, ki benim şahsi fikrim de bu şekilde. Fakat bunun sağlanabilmesi için işgal rejiminin yerli (özellikle Kıbrıslıtürk) nüfus nezdindeki meşruiyetinin yok edilmesi ve toplumun bu hedefe yönlendirilerek harekete geçirilmesi gerekir.
Soru 3a: Bunun başarılması için uyguladığınız ve uygulayacağınız strateji nedir?
Soru 3b: Seçilmeniz buna nasıl katkı sağlar?
-Benim her zaman yaptığım iddialardan biri şudur; çözümcüler genel olarak federasyon ve cumhuriyet modellerini takaslayabilirler, pek çoğu masada ne varsa onu destekler, fakat karşılığında ödenebilecek bedelleri fark etmezler veya görmezden gelirler.
Soru 4a: Bu iddiaya yaklaşımınız nedir?
Soru 4b: Genel olarak çabalarınıza üniter çözümü aşılamak dahil midir?
Soru 4c: Seçilmeniz buna nasıl katkı sağlar?
-Soru 3’ün devamı olarak; benim argümanım işgal rejiminin meşruiyetini yok etmenin en iyi yolunun Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’ndeki boş sandalyelerin (24 vekillik ve Cumhurbaşkan Yardımcılığı)tek taraflı olarak canlandırılması gerektiği üzerinedir.
Soru 5a: Bu yaklaşıma katılır mısınız?
Soru 5b: AP nezdinde böyle bir şeyi zorlama şansınız olur mu?
Edit: numbering
Independent-Win5420 on
Dear Oz,
It is so great to have you with us at this AMA session. I have lots of questions to ask, which I will be asking in separate comments:
1. I like the way you are telling the truth about Cyprus conflict and its dimensions. Most Turkish Cypriots are not able to do that since they are living under the occupation. Congratulations. But I can never understand why you are so against a federal state. You are always saying that ‘unitary state is the only solution.’ Well, in a dreamland, yes. In reality, I have doubts. How are you planning to overcome the rising ethnic nationalism on both sides? ELAM is the third biggest party, but I have never seen you mentioning them. Do you really think that the state will be viable if we go back to the 1960 Constitution? Do you think no tensions because of ethnic nationalists arise? If they arise, how are you planning to deal with that? How will you make sure that state will continue without any disruptions like happened in 1964? Right wingers think that Cyprus’s Greek ethnicity should be preserved, and I am seeing that this conflicts with your idea of creating a single Cypriot nation, are you doing anything to combat with this? How are you planning to deal with ethnic nationalism overall? Do you really think with this much ethnic nationalism being present, a unitary state where everybody will be living mixed with ‘one person, one vote’ idea is good? Why you don’t see federal state as being the ‘midway’ to solve this problem, but you are insisting to see it as an ‘apartheid’? There are lots of federal states in the world that functions very well.
Independent-Win5420 on
2. You always say, ‘we should fight against the occupation,’ but you never show how you are planning to do that. Are you planning to be guerillas to fight against Turkey? Or do you think you can convince Turkey to leave the island? How are you planning to convince Turkey? I think without further clarifications on how you are planning to achieve a liberated Cyprus seems a little void. And every GC politician has been saying the exact same thing for the past 50 years, but they could do nothing. What makes you different than them that we should believe in you?
haloumiwarrior on
What makes a Cypriot Cypriot for you? Can a settler become Cypriot?
Independent-Win5420 on
3. I have seen the other two TC candidates interacting with Turkish Cypriot community, but I have never seen you or your party interacting with them that much. AKEL and Volt have been publishing their statements in Turkish too, but I have never seen your party publishing anything in Turkish. Why is that? It feels like it is not inclusive for TCs that much. You say you want to go back to the 1960s constitution, but you will need TCs to do so, so the state can function normally, and you can make Constitutional amendments afterwards. I have never seen you spending time here talking with the TC community to show them that your point of view is correct. But most GCs already think like you about a unitary state, I think you are wasting your time there trying to prove your point. My overall question: why aren’t you or any other people from your party interacting with TCs?
Independent-Win5420 on
4. I have read somewhere that your father is Turkish, and you were born in Turkey. And yet, I have also read that you are against granting citizenship to other mixed marriage children. Isn’t this controversial? You were born in Turkey, you got the Cypriot citizenship, those children were born here, in your opinion they shouldn’t get the citizenship, because their parent is a settler? I have also read that you studied at a high school in TRNC, you came here when you were 15. This is so ironic. Why shouldn’t other mixed marriage children enjoy their Cypriot citizenship just as you are doing right now?
Independent-Win5420 on
5. How are you planning to use the EUP? What are you planning to do in the EUP?
I am eagerly waiting for your responses. Thank you.
notnotnotnotgolifa on
Aşağıdaki ifadeler hakkında düşünceleriniz nelerdir?
1. “Avrupa ortak polis teşkilatı Europol’e daha fazla yetki verilmelidir.”
2. “Sosyal ağ operatörleri, platformlarındaki dezenformasyonla nasıl başa çıkacaklarına karar vermekte özgür olmalıdır.”
3. ”Telif hakkıyla korunan eserlerin (örneğin fotoğraflar, müzik, edebiyat) AB’de ticari olmayan amaçlarla ücretsiz kullanılmasına izin verilmelidir.”
4. “AB, nükleer enerjiyi sürdürülebilir bir enerji kaynağı olarak sınıflandırmaya devam etmelidir.”
EatTheRich4200 on
Do u like cats? How many cats do u have and what are their names? Do you think the government is doing enough to fund and promote trap/neuter/release programs? What would you do differently to create a happier and healthier cat island?
CypriotPeacemaker on
Soru değil, destek mesajıdır! Siyasete girdiğim günden beridir hep yanımda olan, yol göstericim ve destekçim olur kendileri. İleride güzel şeyler başaracağına inanıyorum, yolumuz uzun. Çıktığın bu yolda da bol başarıların olsun. Ben hep buradayım! ☘️💚
Rhomaios on
1) First, I would like to reiterate a question I posed to your fellow candidate Ms. Maria Kola. In these elections we have the maiden campaign of Volt, which as a party seems to be moving along a very similar axis as the Cyprus Greens as far as progressive centre-left politics are concerned. We have witnessed some peaked interest from people to vote for them, which seems to be splitting the vote of a very ideologically similar demographic between your party and theirs. What are some key aspects of your political vision and ambitions which make you as a candidate and the Cyprus Greens more broadly unique and more fitting to represent us in the European parliament? If there are no substantial differences, would you be willing to more closely cooperate with parties such as Volt and their candidates for a more united progressive front in Cyprus?
2) My second question is also from a previous AMA, posed to Volt candidate and fellow Turkish Cypriot, Mr. Hulusi Kilim. You are among a small but increasing number of TC candidates in European parliamentary elections. What is your experience navigating through a predominantly Greek Cypriot political scene? Do you feel welcomed and accepted by the established political class and the GC voters/society? What is the stance of TCs – both those who vote in these elections and those who choose not to – towards candidates from their community who participate? Has the election of Mr. Niyazi Kızılyürek in the last campaign been received positively by the TC community? How has it affected the community’s views towards reconciliation with GCs and the possibility of political reintegration of TC politics in those of the RoC?
klarmachos on
1) Are you a republican cypriotist (i saw [this on facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/z22AbZSQDyc4h61u/). What does republicanism mean in a cypriot context? What does cypriotism mean?
2) Are you pro BBF? If not, what is the other achievable option?
Thanks for comimg over to r/cyprus :))
eraof9 on
Do you condemn Turkish invasion?
eraof9 on
What is your opinion on current conflicts in Middle East and East Europe?
What have you done to support what you believe in and what should Cyprus through EP do regards to the conflicts?
SiennaReal on
What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any TV shows that you like? I don’t really have any questions about your politics because I have been following you for so long I already know where you stand. I’m a Greek Cypriot and I want to vote for you! Keep up the good work. I just want you to know that there are Greek Cypriots who like your politics and share your opinions and have no issues voting for a Turkish Cypriot/turkish speaking Cypriot! 🙂
soundsofanarchy on
**What specific reforms do you propose for the educational system to mitigate intercommunal divisions in Cyprus? What measures should be undertaken to revamp the curriculum effectively?**
**In what ways can initiatives such as joint history lessons foster greater understanding and collaboration among younger generations?** Good Luck everyday!
AyeAye711 on
Will you advocate for the removal of Turkish occupation forces and replace Turkey with an alternative EU member as security guarantor. Same with UK as they are also non EU?
SolveTheCYproblemNOW on
Καλημέρα! Merhaba
thank you for coming for this AMA . Here are my question:
1)Starting light; where is the best local kebab/souvlaki I can have in the north?
2) you are the first Turkish speaking Cypriot that I know who runs with the Green Party which is very inspiring. Can you give as any future plans or hopes of further integration of the Turkish speaking Cypriots from the Green Party? (articles in Turkish, more members, etc)
3) When it comes to green energy it seems that the RoC just follows what the EU says without question. As a progressive green myself, I would like to know what would you add or change with the green policies of the EU when it comes to Cyprus?
4) Despite the fact people can travel in both sides of the island, there are still many people who will not cross to the othersidd for their own reasons or don’t have a grasp of the daily life’s of the Turkish speaking Cypriots and the rest of the natives. Can you give us an inside on how does the occupation effects the locals in the north and what the everyday people can do or what will you do as a political figure in the EU parliament to make things better?
Thank you for your time!
Thraein88 on
Eğer ki seçilirseniz Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda dile getireceğiniz konular nelerdir? Bazı konuşmalarınızda Türkiye ile ilgili yaptırımlar için başvuracağınızı söylemiştiniz, bu yaptırımların onaylanması durumunda ileri ki dönemlerde Türkiye ila Kıbrıs arasında diplomatik sorunlara sebep olmayacak mı? Bu diplomatik sorun herhangi bir barış görüşmesini olumsuz etkilemeyecek midir?
CypriotPeacemaker on
Bir soru da ben sormuş olayım, bence görüşlerin oldukça net ve açık olduğu için insanlar siyaseten seni kolayca takip edebiliyor; ama biraz da yakından tanıyalım! ☘️💚
Siyasi hayatının dışında Oz Karahan kimdir? Boş zamanlarında neler yapar, nelerden hoşlanır? Hatta Kıbrıs’ta en sevdiği şehir neresi ve neden?
Soruları cevaplarını dört gözle bekliyorum 👀👀
Good morning, Günaydın.
Dünkü adaya sorduğum sorular muhtemelen unutuldu fakat bugünden daha fazla beklentim var. Sizi yakından takip ediyorum, ve açıkçası bu soruların cevaplandığını görmek güzel olurdu:
Soru 1a: Geldiğimiz mevcut durumun halen siyaset yoluyla çözülebileceğine inanıyor musunuz?
Soru 1b: AP nezdinde buna yönelik çabalarınız neler olacak?
Soru 2: Türkçenin AB’nin resmi dili olması için ne çabanız olacak?
-Genel olarak hedefiniz Cumhuriyet idaresinin işgal altındaki bölgelerde restore edilmesi üzerine, ki benim şahsi fikrim de bu şekilde. Fakat bunun sağlanabilmesi için işgal rejiminin yerli (özellikle Kıbrıslıtürk) nüfus nezdindeki meşruiyetinin yok edilmesi ve toplumun bu hedefe yönlendirilerek harekete geçirilmesi gerekir.
Soru 3a: Bunun başarılması için uyguladığınız ve uygulayacağınız strateji nedir?
Soru 3b: Seçilmeniz buna nasıl katkı sağlar?
-Benim her zaman yaptığım iddialardan biri şudur; çözümcüler genel olarak federasyon ve cumhuriyet modellerini takaslayabilirler, pek çoğu masada ne varsa onu destekler, fakat karşılığında ödenebilecek bedelleri fark etmezler veya görmezden gelirler.
Soru 4a: Bu iddiaya yaklaşımınız nedir?
Soru 4b: Genel olarak çabalarınıza üniter çözümü aşılamak dahil midir?
Soru 4c: Seçilmeniz buna nasıl katkı sağlar?
-Soru 3’ün devamı olarak; benim argümanım işgal rejiminin meşruiyetini yok etmenin en iyi yolunun Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’ndeki boş sandalyelerin (24 vekillik ve Cumhurbaşkan Yardımcılığı)tek taraflı olarak canlandırılması gerektiği üzerinedir.
Soru 5a: Bu yaklaşıma katılır mısınız?
Soru 5b: AP nezdinde böyle bir şeyi zorlama şansınız olur mu?
Edit: numbering
Dear Oz,
It is so great to have you with us at this AMA session. I have lots of questions to ask, which I will be asking in separate comments:
1. I like the way you are telling the truth about Cyprus conflict and its dimensions. Most Turkish Cypriots are not able to do that since they are living under the occupation. Congratulations. But I can never understand why you are so against a federal state. You are always saying that ‘unitary state is the only solution.’ Well, in a dreamland, yes. In reality, I have doubts. How are you planning to overcome the rising ethnic nationalism on both sides? ELAM is the third biggest party, but I have never seen you mentioning them. Do you really think that the state will be viable if we go back to the 1960 Constitution? Do you think no tensions because of ethnic nationalists arise? If they arise, how are you planning to deal with that? How will you make sure that state will continue without any disruptions like happened in 1964? Right wingers think that Cyprus’s Greek ethnicity should be preserved, and I am seeing that this conflicts with your idea of creating a single Cypriot nation, are you doing anything to combat with this? How are you planning to deal with ethnic nationalism overall? Do you really think with this much ethnic nationalism being present, a unitary state where everybody will be living mixed with ‘one person, one vote’ idea is good? Why you don’t see federal state as being the ‘midway’ to solve this problem, but you are insisting to see it as an ‘apartheid’? There are lots of federal states in the world that functions very well.
2. You always say, ‘we should fight against the occupation,’ but you never show how you are planning to do that. Are you planning to be guerillas to fight against Turkey? Or do you think you can convince Turkey to leave the island? How are you planning to convince Turkey? I think without further clarifications on how you are planning to achieve a liberated Cyprus seems a little void. And every GC politician has been saying the exact same thing for the past 50 years, but they could do nothing. What makes you different than them that we should believe in you?
What makes a Cypriot Cypriot for you? Can a settler become Cypriot?
3. I have seen the other two TC candidates interacting with Turkish Cypriot community, but I have never seen you or your party interacting with them that much. AKEL and Volt have been publishing their statements in Turkish too, but I have never seen your party publishing anything in Turkish. Why is that? It feels like it is not inclusive for TCs that much. You say you want to go back to the 1960s constitution, but you will need TCs to do so, so the state can function normally, and you can make Constitutional amendments afterwards. I have never seen you spending time here talking with the TC community to show them that your point of view is correct. But most GCs already think like you about a unitary state, I think you are wasting your time there trying to prove your point. My overall question: why aren’t you or any other people from your party interacting with TCs?
4. I have read somewhere that your father is Turkish, and you were born in Turkey. And yet, I have also read that you are against granting citizenship to other mixed marriage children. Isn’t this controversial? You were born in Turkey, you got the Cypriot citizenship, those children were born here, in your opinion they shouldn’t get the citizenship, because their parent is a settler? I have also read that you studied at a high school in TRNC, you came here when you were 15. This is so ironic. Why shouldn’t other mixed marriage children enjoy their Cypriot citizenship just as you are doing right now?
5. How are you planning to use the EUP? What are you planning to do in the EUP?
I am eagerly waiting for your responses. Thank you.
Aşağıdaki ifadeler hakkında düşünceleriniz nelerdir?
1. “Avrupa ortak polis teşkilatı Europol’e daha fazla yetki verilmelidir.”
2. “Sosyal ağ operatörleri, platformlarındaki dezenformasyonla nasıl başa çıkacaklarına karar vermekte özgür olmalıdır.”
3. ”Telif hakkıyla korunan eserlerin (örneğin fotoğraflar, müzik, edebiyat) AB’de ticari olmayan amaçlarla ücretsiz kullanılmasına izin verilmelidir.”
4. “AB, nükleer enerjiyi sürdürülebilir bir enerji kaynağı olarak sınıflandırmaya devam etmelidir.”
Do u like cats? How many cats do u have and what are their names? Do you think the government is doing enough to fund and promote trap/neuter/release programs? What would you do differently to create a happier and healthier cat island?
Soru değil, destek mesajıdır! Siyasete girdiğim günden beridir hep yanımda olan, yol göstericim ve destekçim olur kendileri. İleride güzel şeyler başaracağına inanıyorum, yolumuz uzun. Çıktığın bu yolda da bol başarıların olsun. Ben hep buradayım! ☘️💚
1) First, I would like to reiterate a question I posed to your fellow candidate Ms. Maria Kola. In these elections we have the maiden campaign of Volt, which as a party seems to be moving along a very similar axis as the Cyprus Greens as far as progressive centre-left politics are concerned. We have witnessed some peaked interest from people to vote for them, which seems to be splitting the vote of a very ideologically similar demographic between your party and theirs. What are some key aspects of your political vision and ambitions which make you as a candidate and the Cyprus Greens more broadly unique and more fitting to represent us in the European parliament? If there are no substantial differences, would you be willing to more closely cooperate with parties such as Volt and their candidates for a more united progressive front in Cyprus?
2) My second question is also from a previous AMA, posed to Volt candidate and fellow Turkish Cypriot, Mr. Hulusi Kilim. You are among a small but increasing number of TC candidates in European parliamentary elections. What is your experience navigating through a predominantly Greek Cypriot political scene? Do you feel welcomed and accepted by the established political class and the GC voters/society? What is the stance of TCs – both those who vote in these elections and those who choose not to – towards candidates from their community who participate? Has the election of Mr. Niyazi Kızılyürek in the last campaign been received positively by the TC community? How has it affected the community’s views towards reconciliation with GCs and the possibility of political reintegration of TC politics in those of the RoC?
1) Are you a republican cypriotist (i saw [this on facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/z22AbZSQDyc4h61u/). What does republicanism mean in a cypriot context? What does cypriotism mean?
2) Are you pro BBF? If not, what is the other achievable option?
Thanks for comimg over to r/cyprus :))
Do you condemn Turkish invasion?
What is your opinion on current conflicts in Middle East and East Europe?
What have you done to support what you believe in and what should Cyprus through EP do regards to the conflicts?
What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any TV shows that you like? I don’t really have any questions about your politics because I have been following you for so long I already know where you stand. I’m a Greek Cypriot and I want to vote for you! Keep up the good work. I just want you to know that there are Greek Cypriots who like your politics and share your opinions and have no issues voting for a Turkish Cypriot/turkish speaking Cypriot! 🙂
**What specific reforms do you propose for the educational system to mitigate intercommunal divisions in Cyprus? What measures should be undertaken to revamp the curriculum effectively?**
**In what ways can initiatives such as joint history lessons foster greater understanding and collaboration among younger generations?** Good Luck everyday!
Will you advocate for the removal of Turkish occupation forces and replace Turkey with an alternative EU member as security guarantor. Same with UK as they are also non EU?
Καλημέρα! Merhaba
thank you for coming for this AMA . Here are my question:
1)Starting light; where is the best local kebab/souvlaki I can have in the north?
2) you are the first Turkish speaking Cypriot that I know who runs with the Green Party which is very inspiring. Can you give as any future plans or hopes of further integration of the Turkish speaking Cypriots from the Green Party? (articles in Turkish, more members, etc)
3) When it comes to green energy it seems that the RoC just follows what the EU says without question. As a progressive green myself, I would like to know what would you add or change with the green policies of the EU when it comes to Cyprus?
4) Despite the fact people can travel in both sides of the island, there are still many people who will not cross to the othersidd for their own reasons or don’t have a grasp of the daily life’s of the Turkish speaking Cypriots and the rest of the natives. Can you give us an inside on how does the occupation effects the locals in the north and what the everyday people can do or what will you do as a political figure in the EU parliament to make things better?
Thank you for your time!
Eğer ki seçilirseniz Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda dile getireceğiniz konular nelerdir? Bazı konuşmalarınızda Türkiye ile ilgili yaptırımlar için başvuracağınızı söylemiştiniz, bu yaptırımların onaylanması durumunda ileri ki dönemlerde Türkiye ila Kıbrıs arasında diplomatik sorunlara sebep olmayacak mı? Bu diplomatik sorun herhangi bir barış görüşmesini olumsuz etkilemeyecek midir?
Bir soru da ben sormuş olayım, bence görüşlerin oldukça net ve açık olduğu için insanlar siyaseten seni kolayca takip edebiliyor; ama biraz da yakından tanıyalım! ☘️💚
Siyasi hayatının dışında Oz Karahan kimdir? Boş zamanlarında neler yapar, nelerden hoşlanır? Hatta Kıbrıs’ta en sevdiği şehir neresi ve neden?
Soruları cevaplarını dört gözle bekliyorum 👀👀