Why is Binance doing this? Is the state looking for it? Is a simple insurance statement downloaded from e-albanina enough? Do I have to declare all the income from the rent as well? How should I calculate total net worth? Or does it not need to be accurate?


Posted by Solid-Veterinarian64


  1. Perdor ndnj tjeter me mire. Plus binance ka hequr mastercardet. Une perdor exodus. Eshte hardware wallet

  2. >Pse po e bën Binance këtë? Ja kërkon shteti?

    Sepse eshte ne interesin e binances te dije se me ke ka te beje si pjese e nje procesi qe quhet KYC ( know your customer) qe kerkohet me ligj per institucionet financiare per AML. Ti mund te jesh terrorist ose pjese e mafjes prandaj binanca duhet te siguroje qe ti i ke leket legjitime

    >Si duhet te llogaris total net worth? 

    Networthi mund te jete me perafrim, normalisht llogaritet si totali i aseteve qe ke minus borxhet