Thank her and try it out after you check your allergies and the expiration date.
Solid-Veterinarian64 on
Feed a stray cat or dog. Dont try to eat it.
No-Reveal-3329 on
Eat it, or she will be offended
GopSome on
Idk man, I’m not sure I’d eat that.
Arbo96al on
Warm it up and eat it if you want to it also seems that it’s gonna expire soon you might wanna check if it smells bad and also check if the meat is looking normal (i doubt it wouldn’t but why not be sure)
pizzabear21 on
Bro never in my life have I seen that can of “meat”. Observe, smell, taste I guess. Or give it to street animals. Feed a cat or something
ThemasterofZ on
Throw it away
nikiu on
Open the top carefully and put your penis in it. American pie style. ^^^/s
dardaleci on
It is delicious! Eat it bro
iVeritasAE on
Give it to a stray animal.
shqiptaredele on
Thank her and throw it away
Appropriate-Ant-3497 on
Put that meat in your mauth (its not SUS)
Cap12345678 on
What would your ancestors do with it, like 10 000 years ago?
Toni78 on
Even if it says that it expires in a few days it should be good for a lot longer. I would have tried it to see if it was any good. If you don’t like it, throw it away. I doubt it that it would be any good but just out of curiosity… If you are asking why she gave it to you, this is not necessarily an Albanian thing. Who knows why! Trying to feed you maybe. She may have felt sorry for you.
ExamCompetitive on
If you have a lisp and you want Canadian potato chips.
SolidBackground6840 on
It’s just beef. Throw it in a pan, cook it good and eat it by itself or with anything else you like. It’s pretty good.
Thank her and try it out after you check your allergies and the expiration date.
Feed a stray cat or dog. Dont try to eat it.
Eat it, or she will be offended
Idk man, I’m not sure I’d eat that.
Warm it up and eat it if you want to it also seems that it’s gonna expire soon you might wanna check if it smells bad and also check if the meat is looking normal (i doubt it wouldn’t but why not be sure)
Bro never in my life have I seen that can of “meat”. Observe, smell, taste I guess. Or give it to street animals. Feed a cat or something
Throw it away
Open the top carefully and put your penis in it. American pie style. ^^^/s
It is delicious! Eat it bro
Give it to a stray animal.
Thank her and throw it away
Put that meat in your mauth (its not SUS)
What would your ancestors do with it, like 10 000 years ago?
Even if it says that it expires in a few days it should be good for a lot longer. I would have tried it to see if it was any good. If you don’t like it, throw it away. I doubt it that it would be any good but just out of curiosity… If you are asking why she gave it to you, this is not necessarily an Albanian thing. Who knows why! Trying to feed you maybe. She may have felt sorry for you.
If you have a lisp and you want Canadian potato chips.
It’s just beef. Throw it in a pan, cook it good and eat it by itself or with anything else you like. It’s pretty good.