
perhaps there are more hostages to the situation. Autoa.lt when they started their activities, they used to collect a fee of 20 euros, which is mandatory in order to be able to participate in auctions. In the past, this fee was refundable and was specified in the auction rules.

The auction arbitrarily “updated” the rules without notifying it anywhere – in the account, by mail or SMS message. Now, in order to recover the balance – it cannot be done, because the updated rules define that the participation fee is non-refundable.

Is this legally legal and companies can change the terms of the contract ‘anytime’ when they want, and later, without informing the customer, claim that the customer agrees to the terms, because it is his own ‘fault’ that he does not read the rules every day for self-education?


Posted by YogurtclosetTop8102

1 Comment

  1. Keisti taisykles gali, informuoti iš anksto privalo. Jei tikrai nebuvai informuotas, turėtum vienu ar kitu būdu atgauti užstatą.