I am very concerned about the direction the concept of ownership is taking, especially regarding subscription/streaming/leasing services. What do you do to protect yourself?
For decades we have been taught that private property is sacred, it is one of the idols of the Western world. However, it now seems clear to me that the objective of large service (but also goods) companies is to abolish personal property. Told in the words of Ida Auken "You’ll own nothing and be happy". The great paradox is that one of the most effective arguments of the red scare was precisely this. Now that it’s happening right under our noses, though, we don’t seem overly concerned.
I am very happy with the European Parliament’s R2R directive. I think it’s a step in the right direction, but it will be at least a couple of years before we see the effects. This, however, is only one side of the problem. For example, it is paradoxical that by buying a film or series on a platform I could see it removed from my library at any moment without any type of refund or possibility of downloading it to my computer (see Sony). However, if I pirate that product I am certain that the only one who can delete it is me.
Not only this. By subscribing to these services I am also giving my data to the company and I have no control over the use that will be made of it.
Having said that, Ritalyans, what are you doing to stem this problem? (Aside from hoisting the shining Jolly Roger)
Tell me about your little private rebellions.
For example, I bought a fairphone (non-sponsored post 🙁 ) after the death of my old smartphone. I can’t take it underwater, but now if I need to change the battery, the motherboard or the screen I can do it myself less than the price of a new smartphone.
An interesting little project I want to undertake is to make myself a VPN server with a Raspberry Pi. Have any of you done this? Works?
Posted by ElMicioMuerte
1 Comment
Ho un Nas Synology con il quale puoi fare un po’ di tutto, dai servizi per lo store automatico dei file/foto tipo Dropbox, ai servizi di hosting o pure un server email, il limite è la tua fantasia.
Ha inoltre un client torrent/e2k integrato con il quale la bandiera sventola più alta che mai, da cellulare aggiungo le robe in download e in qualche ora me le trovo comodamente accessibili dalla TV con Kodi che ci mette locandina, dettagli e sottotitoli…
L’unica cosa per cui non posso far nulla è la musica, potrei scaricarla ma diventa un palo in culo gestirla poi sui vari dispositivi, pago Spotify e va bene cosi, non lo uso poi cosi tanto.