As the storm season’s twilight looms, a tempestuous saga unfolds. The east coast, already wearied by the relentless march of time, now braces for a climactic onslaught from the heavens. In less than a fortnight, the curtain will fall on this season of storms, yet the elements conspire for a dramatic denouement.

This week, the skies above New South Wales (NSW) and, at times, southern Queensland, have roared to life with an unseasonable fury. Thunder and lightning, those harbingers of ancient gods’ wrath, have erupted with a ferocity that belies the season’s end.

Friday’s tempests may have abated, but the respite is but a deceitful prelude to a more formidable adversary. A vast rainband, like a spectral army, now marches across south-east Queensland. It heralds a deluge that promises to drench the land, accompanied by heavy showers that besiege the NSW coast with relentless vigor.

The impending inundation is born of a collision between worlds: a humid airstream, a breath drawn from the depths of the Tasman and Coral seas, clashes with a frigid leviathan looming over the inland. Together, they conspire to recreate the chaos of the previous deluge, threatening to submerge the earth beneath their tumultuous embrace.

Prepare, for the skies are set to weep with a sorrow that could drown the world, and the storm’s crescendo beckons with a darkness that could swallow the light.

Posted by WonderWifis


  1. 177329387473893 on

    Yeah… Its… Gonna rain for sure. Tempests and darkness and all that…

    You all good there, brah? Do we need to bring in the lifeline suicide bot?