Peter Tóbín is clutching at straws

Posted by DatsLimerickCity


  1. ShoddyPreparation on

    Yes. Its the abortions causing this. And not the financial stress and lack of housing young adults have been dealing with over the last 15/20 years which has left many without a opportunity to even think about having children at a time in their lives previous generations where buying 3 bed houses for 5 tins of beans and having 3 kids before they hit late 20s. That totally isnt a known issue in multiple countries across the world as unchecked neoliberalism has squeezed every last drop it can out of society and thrown a generation of people onto the fire to make the numbers go up in the short term.

  2. Able-Exam6453 on

    Even if it were statistically spot on, in any way provable, it’s still a bloody weird battle cry if you are an anti- abortion nutter, like him. I mean..yeah, Peadar, no shit? It’s just grabbing any old crap, desperate to make women have doubts and experience guilt, and to make others disapprove of us. (Next, it’ll be about how children’s clothes shops or kiddie golf places are all closing down thanks entirely to these selfish ‘females’™️.)

  3. Even MAGA republicans saw abortion was the issue that could trip them up in the suburbs.

  4. Different-Class1771 on

    Maybe, just MAYBE its to do with all 30-40 year olds stuck in house shares or back living with their parents trying to afford a home before they can even start a family.

  5. asdrunkasdrunkcanbe on

    Amusingly, the birth rate was declining sharply until abortion was legalised, and then it kind of plateaued.

    The 2021 projections for school enrolments in 2024 was optimistically 519k. Instead it’s 558k – nearly 10% higher than forecast.

  6. CountrysFucked on

    There’s an entire middle class of people that earn too much for state supports and too little to afford children with the current cost of living. Figures are the outcome of economics more so than abortion laws.

  7. AbradolfLincler77 on

    The reason we’re not having children is we have nowhere to fucking live!

  8. upthemstairs on

    That’s because five year old now need to go straight out into the workforce if they want to be able to afford a home before they turn 50

  9. It’s not abortion, its that raising kids is too damn expensive in this country so people just plan accordingly.

    Peadar is an absolute gobshite.

  10. Superbius_Occassius on

    This must be why there is over 160 applications for 78 spots in the local school here.

  11. Dazzling_Detective79 on

    “Such a steep drop off in the national birthrate, guess we wont go ahead with the childrens hospital”

  12. No (affordable) houses. Jobs not paying good enough to keep up with inflation. Not even pubs open late night or cheap enough pints to drunkenly conceive a baby (This one prolly end up in abortion numbers increasing tho lol)

    It difficult enough to have a comfortable life for yourself. Babies are luxuries.

  13. Peadar is entirely free to never get an abortion, whatever. And stay the fuck well away from folks who do.


  14. He must be high cause there are parents that still can’t get a place for school starting next year.

  15. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    Yeah cos it was better when people were having kids without the means to care for em… Sure. 

  16. I hate that he’s allowed to behave like this. And worse, that there are people who still listen to him and will vote for him. He’s like an Eastern version of Ronan Mullen – two absolutely hateful individuals.

  17. Definitely not to do with the fact that young people don’t want kids anymore, can barely afford myself in this country let alone a child.

  18. OldManOriginal on

    5 years after abortion was legalised there has been a sharp rise in the economy! #noometalksaboutit

  19. RickLoftusMD on

    Try actually creating affordable housing for your young adults and families, Boomer, if you want people to raise children. Young adults in many Western countries can’t afford even rent, much less to buy a home.

  20. Comfortable_Brush399 on

    Nobody is getting the ride cause housing fucked, peadar ya fuckin balloon