Masked men hang banners on Roderic O’Gormans house while the guards watch and do nothing.

Posted by saggynaggy123


  1. Pleasant_Birthday_77 on

    That’s horrific. It’s terrible that public discourse has descended to this.

  2. JealousInevitable544 on

    A gang of masked thugs turn up to threaten a government minister at his home.

    In a rational society they would be battered off the street by the police.

    Doesn’t happen here though; seems the Gardai are motivated either by cowardice or sympathy when it comes to these scumbags.

  3. This is appalling. Like why are they masked? What are they so afraid of? How is it that they’re ballsy enough to deface private property but not show their faces and stand proud of what they’ve done?

    Also, why aren’t they at work?

  4. Life-Pace-4010 on

    The police are on the side of racists, they run in the same circles, family and friends. If a leftist counter protest showed up, they would be sweeped up by the pigs in sixty seconds and charged with disturbing a minister outside his house.

  5. MeshuganaSmurf on

    Maybe I’ve overlooked something in the video but did the gardai not even get out of their cars?

  6. originalface1 on

    These scumbags destroyed the city, have murdered an innocent man, and go around up and down the country burning down buildings.

    At what point is something done?

  7. Our justice system from the top down is not fit for purpose. A complete overhaul is needed. Helen and drew need to piss off.

  8. It’s time we instigate a kick a racist in the balls campaign Absolute scum of the highest order. The sooner these Ireland is full scumbags get beaten in the elections the better.

  9. smudgeonalense on

    We’ve become far too tolerant of this skanger scourge all around this country. Even before they started latching on to this far right crap they’ve been given free reign to terrorise Ireland consequence free.

    It’s always the most useless and damaging group in a country that loves to blame foreigners for any problems. Maybe if they start attacking judges houses something will actually be done about it.

  10. Probably an older residential area but would have been good for neighbours to come out and counter protest Easier to say than do I know, but I’d have no truck in doing so.

  11. I don’t envy the Gardaí in a situation like this, the same people giving out to them for not doing anything would be giving them shit if they did. Can’t win.

  12. High_Flyer87 on

    We’re headed down a very dangerous path. The fact that the state don’t seem to be bothering their arses to address the biggest threat to domestic security is mind boggling.

    It’s literally as if the Govt have downed tools. Roderic O’Gorman is a truly awful public representative but this just crosses the line altogether.

  13. Technical-Touch-5832 on

    The worst kind of thuggery. I thought this was illegal. If we allow this kind of shit to happen the only people who will be interested in politics will be thugs and we will end up living in a country like Hungary or Slovakia.

  14. Busy-Jicama-3474 on

    Its amazing what type of behaviour is actually permitted that an ordinary person would assume you cant do.

    Im off out this morning to buy a balaclava and to do up a ten foot banner that reads my neighbour is a prick.

  15. When are some heads going to be cracked?

    If this was 1984 and the Provos were doing this the heavy gang would be deployed with enthusiasm.

  16. hugeorange123 on

    All goes back to Drew Harris. His whole approach is to not intervene. How he got that job, I’ll never know. There’s going to be a Jo Cox incident eventually.

  17. Mundane_Character365 on

    I totally disagree with these thugs, but..

    If they are not doing anything illegal, the guards are right to not do anything.

    People have the right to protest, even stupid people.

    As long as the prevailing attitude in Ireland is that these dudes are gobshites, and Ireland will welcome people who need our help (as many countries did with us in the past), then these dopes will get nowhere.

  18. johnbonjovial on

    What would happen if u went out with a baseball bat and fucking leathered one of them ? I’d love to know who they are and why they have their faces covered.

  19. Willing-Departure115 on

    Absolute scrotes. The more we let this intimidation go without punishment, the further they’ll push the boat out, and have done in recent years.

  20. Garda are useless in this country. Absolutely fucking useless.
    My friend’s house was being broken into last summer. They called the Garda while 2 fucks are at the door. Their dad ended up chasing them off. But the Garda took 3 hours to arrive. Meanwhile, these 2 fucks just broke into some else’s house down the road. The Garda are fucking useless

  21. GoneRampant1 on

    We’re gonna get a home-grown version of the Jo Cox stabbing at the rate these fascist bastards are going, and I hate that I really can’t see McEntree and Harris doing anything before this escalates into a fatality- actually thinking about it, we have had fatalities already, but it’s gonna take someone of relative clout.

    The signs have been there since the library attacks last year, they’ve been at a breaking point since the O’Connell street riot and the various arson attacks, and the Guards did nothing. We know their ringleaders who travel around the country stirring up these attacks like Bilghe, Dwyer and Heasman and nothing is done all while they’re grifting donations for an election campaign. We need heavy reform among the police to tackle these issues more and the problem is that two of the bigwigs in charge of the police are **useless cunts** who I wouldn’t trust to police children at a road-crossing.

  22. I think OGorman is fucking useless at his job.

    But how in the fuck are the Garda just allowing this to take place? This is his home? And he’s a serving minister? When are they actually going to do their jobs here

  23. It’s been said we irish have a special type of relationship with our politicians a little closer than other places but I can see that coming to an end with incidents like this.

  24. Literally symbolic of the last year or two.

    Racist, homophobic scum in balaclavas allowed to intimidate and abuse people while gardai and their superiors look on doing nothing but encouraging them.

    Harris and McEntee need to go, our country is going downhill while they sit twiddling their thumbs doing fuck all. Shameful.

    The moment both refused to attend the GRA annual conference there should have been a mass strike from gardai IMO.

  25. DarthBfheidir on

    Terrorising someone and their family and trespassing are clearly civil matters, somehow.

    The garda isn’t fit for purpose. Did they not realise that at least one of those scummy racist shitfucks probably has a nodge in his pocket?