doesn’t this seem incredibly tone deaf given the increasing cases of home invasions going on right now???

Posted by vagueparenting


  1. Impressive_Pick1328 on

    That is a hard no from me.
    If I bought/rented in a secure building and the OC tried this, I would make a scene.

  2. You haven’t given anywhere near enough information to make any sort of judgement on the situation, and unlocked gate does not necessarily put you in imminent danger, or maybe it does, no way to know.

  3. Just tell them no, but also like home invasion gonna happen if they target your place locked or unlocked.

  4. PomegranateNo9414 on

    Crazy thought, but maybe the body corporate can use the body corporate fees to fix the gate instead of making the property less secure.

  5. ‘Dear Management;

    CC; Management’s Insurance Company

    Just to confirm, you are wanting all residents, including myself at 22 wallaby way, Sydney, to leave a security feature that has a lock unlocked, making it easier for someone to commit theft of my property?

    If anything is stolen or persons residing here are harmed, who within Management am i to direct the invoice for lost goods and damages to?


  6. Necessary_Anywhere24 on

    What’s the address? Asking for some less then reputable gentleman I know

  7. a) hard to judge without the full story: for all we know they have to leave it unlocked for compliance access to hydrants or some shit

    b) this is from the OC who are elected by owners and act in the interest of owners (otherwise they don’t get voted in)

  8. vagueparenting on

    UPDATE: My REA completely agreed that it wasn’t appropriate and is also suggesting a lockbox instead. So yay!

  9. Latter-Recipe7650 on

    Literally sounds like HOA bs. What’s next, leave front doors and garage doors open and unlocked?