German Far-Right Leader Goes on Trial for Nazi Slogans | Björn Höcke, one of the most prominent far-right figures in Germany, has called the trial an attempt to suppress patriotism.

Posted by GirasoleDE


  1. Ahh, the classic rightoid view. “If you don’t share my views, then you don’t like your country!!”

    Its obviously, complete whore shit

  2. WeirdKosmicCunt on

    Is it bollocks and he’s just a patriotic, ‘antiliberal’ lad or is he really on the far-right side, I mean, “sieg heil”, death to ni**ers type of bloke?

    BTW the article is behind a paywall

  3. WeirdKosmicCunt on

    Usually, punishing the culprit, especially one with a significant following, backfires, turning them into a martyr. That’s the last thing you want because it’s how you turn an ordinary person into a hero.

    Just sayin..

  4. Funny bit about Björn Höcke is that he‘s copying a lot of his stuff from Jörg Haider.

  5. disdainfulsideeye on

    “Mr. Höcke has said he did not know the phrase was a Nazi slogan. But critics have insisted that argument is not credible, given he was a history teacher before he became a politician. And they note that AfD politicians in two other states have already been stopped by authorities in past years for using the slogan.”

  6. HorridusVile on

    I’d vote for them in heatbeat were it not for their pro russia stance. Clowns.