1. I have seen a suspicious amount of people saying how those poor poor rich folks will be crushed under this new tax. I think we are in the midst of a disinformation campaign by those who can afford to skew info.

  2. the_sound_of_a_cork on

    Can we dispel the myth that homeowners, especially the ones that bought decades ago are poor. Many Canadians are sitting on tax free capital gains, sometimes in the millions of dollars for nothing more than owning a home. But yes, yes business is bad but passive assets with very little broader economic utility must be preserved.

  3. Beaverton brainlets think that capital gain taxes should be 100% on the rich, without any thought into the capital that will leave the country as it becomes less competitive. Thank god they just write reddit humor and aren’t involved in any policy or important work.

  4. the_sound_of_a_cork on

    Champagne socialists have convinced the lower socio economic class that the problem is businesses while diverting the gaze from their own capital wealth and the policies that preserve it

  5. Canadians needs less taxes!

    1. Raise the tax brackets

    2. Make interest payments on primary residence a deductible

    3. Allow unlimited capital payments on primary residence from or as self directed RRSP’s.

    Put money back into the pockets of Canadians.