‘This is levelling up’: Jamie Oliver calls on all mayors across the country to offer free school meals for children


Posted by SameStand9266


  1. Firm-Distance on

    It seems fairly obvious to me that school meals *should* be free – but the councils have had their budgets plundered for years. I’m not sure where the money is meant to come from….look, we can’t cut taxes and write off billions wasted on useless PPE that wasn’t fit for purpose during Covid ***and*** feed hungry kids can we?

  2. ThaneOfArcadia on

    And who is going to pay? Councils are already struggling. Of course, if Jamie Oliver would like to pay for it, that’ll be great.

  3. I’d agree in principle but the problem is we in the UK value profit over having nice things so you just know the meals would be shit.

  4. Just makes sense to me that if the state mandates your child go to school then they should at least provide lunch for them.

  5. Single childless working adults or going be screwed. A lot of incentives for couples with children being talked about come next election. Who’s going to pay for it? There’s been no better time to have a kid right now

  6. rotating_pebble on

    This is a disgrace. Have we all become bloody communists? What happened to making our own way? 

  7. Big corporations could be sponsors?

    I’m sure McDonalds, KFC or Greggs etc would be happy to supply free school meals. Kids eat and the Government dont have to pay. 👍