The Dutch parliament blocks Turkey from modernizing customs union with the EU as Turkey violates the orders of the European court of human rights

Posted by devlettaparmuhalif


  1. devlettaparmuhalif on

    Kati Piri: **”No modernization of customs union with Turkey until the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights on the immediate release of Osman Kavala and Selahattin Demirtas are implemented. Dutch parliament just adopted my motion with Isa Kahraman ahead of EU Council.”**

    Turkey has disobeyed the verdicts of the European court of human rights for almost a decade. Tension is rising as Turkish human rights violations intensify.

  2. sourflavouronice on

    Ok then Dutch government can call the Erdoğan’s Dutch citizen trolls working for TRT World back to the Netherlands and stop them working for propaganda 🙂

    Kati Piri is yet another westoid nothing else.

  3. Jolly-Feature-6618 on

    Erdogans Turkey is trying its best to become Putins russia. EU shouldnt be entertaining their insidiousness.

  4. timelord4950 on

    For example, if a member of parliament goes to the funeral of a terrorist who killed German citizens in Germany. What is the German government doing? We see this as a threat to our existence, and that’s why Türkiye unlawfully imprisons him.