Iranians leaving Syria bases fearing Israeli attack, report


  1. The bases in syria are probably the safer ones since Israel is more likely to directly target Iranian territory. 

  2. Lonely_Replacement76 on

    Why are these terrorists always on the run and keep hiding all the time ? don’t they always say that their whole purpose in life is to be martyrs?

  3. Mushroom_Tip on

    Weird how the same people who blame the West for meddling never call Iran out for meddling in all these conflicts.

  4. They seem not as committed to dying for the cause as all the terrorists they support are. It’s almost like they only want to sacrifice other people for their ambitions, but never themselves.

  5. Resident-Strength-23 on

    oh no but according the other war mongering pro palestinian patience artists – it’s all israel, Iran is just the nicest sweetest good guys 🤣🙄

  6. Smacpats111111 on

    If I was in the Iranian military or working in an Iranian oil refinery right now.. I’d just gather some water and a tent, and walk into the desert and take my chances.

  7. You would think that they would have figured out by now that Israel has been able to burn in a tracking id onto their heads from space by now!

  8. PleasantFocus1502 on

    Not attack on Iran would be the best attack. Let them sit here in fear for a few weeks.