GTA man has human trafficking charges tossed over chronic Toronto judge shortage — for the second time this year


  1. >*In tossing that case, Ducharme wrote that the delay in criminal matters caused by a trial judge being elevated to a higher court “has been seriously exacerbated by the slow pace of judicial appointments by the federal government” to the Superior Court. The Crown is appealing that ruling.*

    >*Justice Minister Arif Virani’s office didn’t return a request for comment.* 

    >*The* [*federal Liberals have been under fire for years*]( *over this issue, but criticism has reached an all-time high given the number of cases thrown out in Toronto in recent months.*




    >*“The government had knowingly allowed the court to continue without its full judicial complement during an unprecedented crisis of rapid population growth, increasing numbers of certain serious crimes, and a pandemic backlog,” Code wrote.* 

    >*“I cannot leave this application without saying, in conclusion, that it is an embarrassment to the administration of justice that this serious ‘priority’ case, involving alleged sexual abuse of a child, cannot be tried in accordance with the constitutional standard of trial ‘within a reasonable time.”*

    Why does it feel like the federal Liberal government *wants* crime to go unpunished in Canada?

    Why do they continuously act like it’s their job to tear our society apart?

  2. Aboud_Dandachi on

    Arif Virani and his colleagues in Parliament gave themselves yet another payraise this month. You know, we have to pay our MPs well, so they dont “resort to corruption” or something. But when it comes to actual governance, the sky is the limit on how inept and incompetent they cna be.

  3. Why can’t there be a clerk that points out maybe we should the thief that has never hurt anybody slide, and make human trafficking charges priority. Severe charges like this should never been tossed like this, dam shame

  4. DaveThomasTendies on

    We are just letting rapists and human traffickers walk now? These are the absolute worst of the worst criminals.

    Like no wonder cops don’t seem to give a crap anymore when criminals don’t get punished.

  5. Canada, where criminals have nothing to fear and are free to do terrible things. This is disgusting and should not be happening here, period.