I remember in the early naughties that, first off, the chocolate didn’t taste like straight out diabetes (I believe it’s 50% sugar now), and the toys were fun and not so cheap and just plain garbage.
My grandma still buys me kinder eggs despite the fact I’m 21; bless her soul. Sadly, they’re not what they used to be. They have maximised profit and laziness, unlike how they used to fill children with joy and creativity.
The first picture showcases the “best” toys I was able to get in recent years (which are still subpar compared to the old days); the second one is what I’d call landfill. There’s no way a child is *actually* excited to get this trash. It’s quite saddening.


Posted by HeightChallenged03


  1. These on the photos aren’t even good. They used to have one piece toys that you didn’t have to put together made out of hard plastic. Even metal ones.

  2. My wife just got a cute minion the other day. While I got some shitty AR nonsense. So 50% success rate. I don’t remember success rate in the 90ies, but I do remember that not all toys were that good back then either.

  3. Bilim_Erkegi on

    Yes, I still keep some of the toys from my childhood and my 5 year old niece prefers them over the garbage they have now.

  4. I collected all the tropical turtles, my favorite was the one with the banana peel on his head. The guy peeking out of his egg was fun too.

  5. Lord_Controverse on

    The toys became cheaper and cheaper as inflation rose and the company wanted to keep the prices low. They just didn’t understand that no one cares about a thin layer of chocolate over the actual toy inside.