Sexual assault and brutal beatings: Iran renews violent hijab crackdown


  1. nice as soon as the war is starting, conveniently seeing posts about how horrible Iran society is…propaganda at its finest

    I’m not trying to justify Iran’s society in hijab crackdown, I’m just saying this was out of the news up until the war started.

  2. TheWeirdByproduct on

    Oh, would you look at the timing of this post! Now I’m all outraged and eager to condone the atrocities that will follow in the next weeks.

  3. Im realy fucking SAD, the story is true our gov is on meth and is beating and kicking women from saturday. Yet some crazy people think its fake news and propaganda. Guys cuz our gov attack israel dont mean they are good u have no idea how terrifying is living under a crazy gov.
    For the love of god stop defending it

  4. Illustrious-Zebra-34 on

    They crack down on people again because they are afraid of the internal instability in case of an escalating conflict with Israel.

  5. even_less_resistance on

    It’s like an abusive husband that gets their ass beat at a bar fight then comes home to kick the shit out of his family to make himself feel tough again

  6. meatcylindah on

    When you’re really mad at the Israelis but they shoot down your rockets and you have to beat on someone…

  7. TryIsntGoodEnough on

    … Reminder that Iran was select to chair the UN rights meeting late last year.

  8. This is why Israel must destroy the Iranian Nazi Regime. IDF have to strike back! Free the women of Iran!

  9. AttentionLogical3113 on

    we cant get to israil so , woman is good enough. i swear Iran needs to see a counsel on this anger management.

  10. bernahardbanger69 on

    Not one mention of Islam in these comments. Islam needs to be criticized into the fucking ground.

  11. dissucksalot on

    So sad how the once great Persian empire and Iran known for creating the first human rights in history in 570 BC (which the US constitution is based on btw) has fallen to this. Fuck that regime.

    You can thank America and the Brits for doing this to Iran by overthrowing and meddling in their politics since the 1900’s all in the name of oil.

    They put this regime in power.

  12. Direct-Giraffe-1890 on

    I’m sure it’s not real islam because real islam is beautiful and gives women rights /s

  13. BackAgain123457 on

    I think the “queers against islamophobia” group should book tickets to Iran and go protest over there.