Protect A Volunteer matched an American Marine Corps veteran team leader to donors who helped them purchase a drone jammer, thermal ponchos and more! They also send care packages. You too can sign up to support a volunteer directly. We are currently matching a volunteer from Italy! Andiamo!

Posted by tallalittlebit


  1. tallalittlebit on

    u/rcmcd922 here

    Protect A Volunteer has been so busy fundraising and matching donors to volunteers that we rarely get time to actually show results of what we do.  This video is from an American team leader of international soldiers on the front line.  We matched him to a donor group who helped the team buy a drone jammer (shown in video) and thermal ponchos, which they use at night for small movements to mask the guys’ thermal signatures from drones and scopes.

    The donor group also sends care packages and provides camaraderie and moral support to the volunteer and each other.  One of the donors even made a flyer to do his own fundraising for the team.  It is a wonderful example of how our donor matching process works.

    When you sign up to be a donor, we match you to a volunteer in a Signal chat group with several other donors all supporting their volunteer. 

    We are currently searching for donors for a volunteer soldier from Italy (we don’t have many of these in Ukraine) who is on an assault and recon team.  He’s been in Ukraine for nearly 2 years and seeks support to purchase a Starlink, range finder and night vision.  Sign up to be a donor here [](

  2. I volunteered to support a FL soldier. I downloaded software, DM’d the OP, and no one evergot back to me