In May 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science released a paper that measured fourteen European countries on three factors: biodiversity, wellbeing, and nature connectedness. Ireland came second last in most categories.

Posted by subaculture


  1. You’re saying a bunch of fields for livestock and monoculture forests aren’t biodiverse?

  2. CurrencyDesperate286 on

    I’ll have to read the report but those results read like “jobs and economy bad”. Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Greece the highest “wellbeing”? Hmm

    Ireland having terrible biodiversity is no surprise, unfortunately.

  3. ultratunaman on

    Yeah but I’ve never once seen a cockroach here.

    So I’ll take that as a win. Fucking hate those things.

  4. In fairness those cows have different patterns of black and white that should have counted for something.
