Donald Trump Spreads Misinformation About His Jury Selection Process to Cement ‘Witch Hunt’ Narrative


  1. The only thing he’s done with reliable consistency in all these trials is behave like a guilty person.

  2. trailhikingArk on

    He also essentially confessed to fraud during the same rant. Unless the corrupt SCOTUS bails him out he is fked.

  3. BlotchComics on

    lol… he wants unlimited “strikes” so they can object to every juror without cause and delay the actual trial indefinitely.

  4. ranchoparksteve on

    Trump’s problem is that the main jury is over half selected, looks to be a fair group, and his lawyers only have four challenges left. There’s nothing for Trump to feel good about.

  5. kingofcross-roads on

    Of course he is, this is the same guy who lied about the results of a presidential election. Unless the jury shows up wearing MAGA hats and gold sneakers, he’ll scream bias. Now personally I wouldn’t trust Trump to tell me that it’s cold in the north pole, but his followers will believe whatever he says no matter how carefully the courts treat this case.

  6. 12345Hamburger on

    What Trump said:

    >I thought STRIKES were supposed to be “unlimited” when we were picking our jury? I was then told we only had 10, not nearly enough when we were purposely given the 2nd Worst Venue in the Country. Don’t worry, we have the First Worst also, as the Witch Hunt continues! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

    No one gets unlimited strikes. For the crimes Trump is accused of, his lawyers get 10 strikes. That’s the law no matter who you are.

  7. This is why he loves the uneducated. Because they’re the only people who lap this up.

  8. brain_overclocked on

    >Donald Trump is getting fans riled up in his defense by pushing a false narrative about how jury selection works in criminal cases.

    >On Wednesday, April 17, the former president posted on Truth Social that his legal team was not afforded the proper number of strikes to find an impartial jury, suggesting that if his Manhattan criminal trial were fair, the defense would be allowed to send an unlimited number of potential jurors home.

    >”I thought STRIKES were supposed to be ‘unlimited’ when we were picking our jury?” he wrote. “I was then told we only had 10, not nearly enough when we were purposely given the 2nd Worst Venue in the Country. Don’t worry, we have the First Worst also, as the Witch Hunt continues! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”

    >New York Judge Juan Merchan has recognized the peculiar circumstances surrounding Trump’s trial, admitting that jury selection will require careful vetting and take longer than usual. **But even in the highest-profile trials, no defense counsel — or prosecutor — has been granted an unrestricted say in who gets on the jury.**

    Emphasis mine.

  9. Flat-Activity1124 on

    What’s interesting is that if someone is ignorant about a process and that process works not in their favor… they 100% believe it’s a conspiracy.

    That’s the Republican mindset.

  10. Cement? What kinda headline is that. He has been mewling about witch hun since 2016 and it doesn’t stick with anyone outside the zealots. Get a goddamn spine and stop feeding his bullshit narrative.

  11. Theguywhostoleyour on

    We all know his supporters are going to buy right into this… I just wonder if there is anything he could say that would make them clue in. Anything at all.

    This always turns me to “Don’t Look Up” where the people just don’t look at the sky cause they’re told to.

  12. Compliance-Manager on

    I love how every whine of his ends with “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”

    Even the rubes who love him have to be getting tired of it.

  13. Gym-for-ants on

    With the amount of time Trump has spent in court over his lifetime (4,000+ lawsuits since 1991), you’d think he would have a decent understanding of the 10 strikes per side rule in *any* jury selection but expecting Trump to understand anything is a stretch 🤷🏿‍♀️

  14. Imacatdoincatstuff on

    We need to put this genius in charge of everything including the Judiciary. He’s just so superior! /s

  15. _age_of_adz_ on

    Being blatantly wrong and uninformed about the law is not the flex Trump thinks it is.

  16. Every little noise from trump during selection is jury selection inteference.
    Very similar to trump saying election inteference without realizing he is in fact inteferering in his own election campaign

  17. NYPizzaNoChar on

    > Donald Trump Spreads Misinformation

    So, it’s a day ending in “y”, then.

  18. orcinyadders on

    Listen. Trump can say whatever he wants and his base will parrot the lines. From “are you better off today than four years ago” which was during Covid and we were all locked in our fucking houses and fighting for toilet paper, to “democrats execute babies after birth” – a lie so stupid that when I told a friend he asked me if I was sure it wasn’t AI. There is no stupid thing they won’t believe and repeat like automatons. The concept of unlimited strikes is just another maliciously stupid lie in a Niagara Falls of vacuous horse shit.

  19. Pizzasaurus-Rex on

    I have this weird feeling that his supporters will target members of the jury and their loved ones with death threats.

  20. Watch this and the quote by the dumb as fuck juror number 4 lawyer who was “fascinated” by Trump. He clear as day is fucking enamoured with him and I strongly suspect will not vote to convict him, I am very very pessimistic about the outcome of the verdict in this case:

  21. zackflavored on

    Is there any chance because of Donald Trump‘s actions the judge can say OK we need this to be televised because now people are spreading misinformation information?

    Edit: that would be such a lovely way to show DJt, actions have consequences

  22. “Spreads misinformation”? Why is it so hard for headline writers to say “lies”?

  23. Trump’s idea of justice is basically Aileen Cannon and Bill Barr — I appoint the person deciding my cases and they use their power to get me out of legal trouble. Anything less than that and he cries about some kind of weaponized injustice witch hunt. I hope Judge Merchan locks him up next time he crosses the gag order boundary.

  24. Accomplished_Note_81 on

    Donald Trump Spreads ~~Mi~~ **s** ~~information About~~ **Hi** ~~s Jury Selec~~ **t** ~~ion Process to Cement ‘Witch Hunt’ Narrative~~