Western Balkans opinion on Responsibility/Blame for the War between Ukraine and Russia


Posted by Opposite-Book-15


  1. Budget_Pea_7548 on

    It’s scary how well propaganda and disinformation work despite the information availability.

  2. LookThisOneGuy on

    it is good seeing how not even the most pro-Russian countries think Ukraine is to blame for being invaded. At least some sense still alive.

  3. AsianOranges on

    What I hate the most about this rampant propaganda war is that it showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that more than 30% of the population is literally not capable of logic and reason. I know that both extremes on the internet are miss using this term(alt right trumpists/russian bots and tankies), but its the perfect word for it: NPCs. Ok, blaming the West at least has some kind of logic behind it. But blaming Ukraine? In what world is in Ukraine`s interest to go to war? How can you blame the weaker side of starting the war against a nuclear power several times larger than them? Beyond reason, beyond humanity. They are literally NPCs.

  4. Affectionate_Eye6224 on

    The question is flawed to the core. Noone is “to blame” it is just the game and the cards thats been dealt. There can never be two alliances west of Urals and be at true peace. Two empires, two ideas, to alliances, all the same basics.
    It is the “moscow project”, and the “brussel/north atlantic/brussel-washington-project” so to speak. You are never truly neutral, you lean closer to one. The blaming is like finding the one person guilty for the football game in a full stadium and teams on the court.
    But i know i know, this “blaming game” IS part of the diplomatic side of war. And war never ends. Its a synonym for evolution/brainstorming. But i dont know what purpose this kind of honest/neutral talk is serving, yet i feel like it needs to be aired sometimes.

  5. Dapper_Training2191 on

    Romanian security services just found out that Russia sent spies in our country specially to create fake news and influence our media outlets. So if this happens in Romania which was in NATO for years and we kinda dislike Russia for hundreds of years, no wonder Macedonian and Serbian citizens are that brainwashed

  6. So unsurprising that Serbia’s victims hate Russia while Serbia loves them (as it has been since their independence from the Ottomans)