American stand-up comedian Andrew Schulz delves into the mechanics of U.S. aid to Ukraine, revealing a surprising twist: the majority of the funds circulate back within the United States.

Posted by UNITED24Media


  1. This video actually gave me a little hope in celebrities again. I am sick of seeing Joe Rogan Podcast or whatever and hear these conspiracy theories about Ukraine and that Putler only wants peace but NATO does not…

  2. Boxedin-nolife on

    It’s unbelievable how many people don’t understand this. We give Ukraine old used stuff in storage, and pay the MIC to make us brand new shiny stuff

  3. OnundTreefoot on

    This is not a surprise twist. The US has always stated openly that most of the money is initially spent in the US – for equipment sent to Ukraine and services/training for Ukrainians.

  4. TorontoTom2008 on

    This is true of almost every ‘aid’ package for every scenario (including every form of disaster and famine relief) practiced by every country for the last 75 years.

  5. I thought everyone knew this is how it worked.. we build stuff here and send old stuff there.

  6. duh…..we are funding the replenishment of our weapon stockpiles. Welcome to WAR 101
    Old Weapons are used up– new ones are manufactured with funding.

  7. RuralSimpletonUK on

    Also Ukraine commits to pay it back in the future, it’s not for free, and chances are the US, UK and others will also make big money rebuilding the country.
    War, after all, sadly, is big business.