Liz Truss endorses Donald Trump to win US presidential election

Posted by ClimbingCat05


  1. Rats call for more garbage, more at 10.

    She endorsed a rapist wannabe dictator.

    She really is a piece of shit.

  2. Glad_Advertising_125 on

    Anyone international coming onto this post, just know she is a fucking moron

  3. RaymondBumcheese on

    Well, of course she did. She would endorse eating a plate of turds over a fillet steak. 

  4. How was this woman *ever* chosen to lead the UK government? I would rather listen to two people with Dunning Kruger argue opposing thoughts.

  5. Sgt_Sillybollocks on

    Well he’s bound to win now that this delusional fuckwit has endorsed him. I think she’s just after his pork market.

  6. Posh_Gandalf on

    She’s in the middle of a mental breakdown and she lacks the self awareness to realise.

  7. ArchdukeToes on

    You know, I genuinely think that being PM broke her. There’s not many people who are a national joke in the way that she is, and she’s clearly desperately looking for anything that might give her some small measure of vindication.

    There aren’t many questions that ‘Trump’ is the right answer to, excepting ones like ‘which former President is the first to face a criminal trial?’

  8. opinionated-dick on

    Is she actually just cosplaying as a total whack job for a laugh, or is she actually somebody who cracked under the pressure of her own mess and desperately needs intervention and therapy?

    No ones that crackpot to actually believe what she’s saying surely?

    Maybe shes trying to collate the absolute worse of this country into one ultra right extremist populist version of the Tory party that seeks to finish this country off once and for all?

  9. Massive-Pin-3655 on

    Why is she being given the oxygen of attention, all of a sudden.

    Who cares what this lunatic thinks.

  10. Nice_Soup3198 on

    The woman is virtually insane and deprived of any morals whatsoever. Just fuck off, once and for all, pretty please!

  11. She literally has no morals and will do anything for attention. Please leave us all alone. 

  12. Justforfunn__ on

    She’s even crazier now than when she was PM and took no responsibility for destabilising an already unstable economy.

  13. Give her more screen time I say,

    Every time she’s on screen it reminds people of who she is, what she did and how deluded she truly is and what party she’s representing.

    Bet labour are loving it.

  14. Zoyd_Pinecone on

    The real kicker is that I doubt the good people of South West Norfolk will actually vote her out next General Election.

    There’s something very wrong with her.

  15. TripSavings6845 on

    It’s a worry for democracy the arc of becoming a right wing grifter. I wonder where you’d end up if you followed the money trail. I don’t think she’s stupid or mentally ill I think she might just be involved in a murky money arrangement.

  16. SnooCompliments1370 on

    The sad part is that she’ll probably retain her seat at the election. SW Norfolk was 69% blue in 2019. Absolute chancer.

  17. PurpleBeardedGoblin on

    Batshit Liz really wants us to think she doesn’t know her arse from her elbow.

  18. PoliticsMemeSupreme on

    Literally grifting to stay relevant

    Possibly the biggest loser in British politics

  19. Why is the utter cunt still getting air time? She should be in clink for what she did to our economy, not broadcasting her inane thoughts

  20. Literally-A-God on

    Oh fucking christ when will we finally get rid of this bumbling lunatic for good?

  21. It’s disturbing how effective the “become a batshit right wing grifter” pipeline is. It’s easy for us to mock the stupidity of their statements and how uncomfortable it must (at first) make these people to leave all their principles at the door for money, but that disappears when they look at their bank accounts.

  22. Organic_Gift_4180 on

    What a mercenary, reprehensible husk of a human being . Bled the tax payer dry , lied , bullshitted and fucked off to America sucking the cock of the alt right .

  23. Longjumping_Stand889 on

    That should swing it.

    I suppose now she’s finished in the UK she needs to look to the US for future employment.

  24. PiplupSneasel on

    This woman was chosen by the tories as the best person to run the country. And people will STILL vote for them.

  25. Curls_Oliver_ on

    Who could give a cup of piss for what this person thinks about the American politics!? Nobody likes a quitter!!

  26. Endorsing a terrorist should have her removed from the Tory Party… Rishi won’t as he’s a coward, but she should be gone/

  27. Turbulent_Actuator99 on

    This woman was an utter fraud as Prime Minister, who on earth cares what she has to say nowadays.

  28. Frequent-Lettuce4159 on

    Just remember that all the crap she is spewing here is simply a pitch for American far-right $$$. All very pathetic really

  29. ProgressiveRox on

    Thanks Liz, now we know he won’t win. This might be the best thing she’s done.

  30. And if we ever need the opinion of someone who lost to a head of lettuce, we’ll let you know.

  31. Informal_Drawing on

    The lettuce really was better at governing.

    Utterly clueless and sooo clearly on the wrong side. Again.