The Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, went with the Prosecutor General, Alex Florenta, and the President of the High Court, Corina Corbu, on an exotic one-week trip to Brazil, which neither announced, and this secrecy does not than to deepen the suspicions related to the much too close relationship between some politicians in power and the heads of Justice, USR says in a press release. “Away from the eyes of the media, the “working” visit made by the politician Gorghiu, the head of the General Prosecutor’s Office – the institution that handles cases – and the head of the ÎCCJ – the institution that judges prosecutors’ cases – has no way of bringing benefits to the judiciary in Romania. On the contrary. It is only a new proof that the PNL and PSD politicians are taking over the Justice, as was the visit to Ciolacu’s office by the heads of the Constitutional Court. It is a sick connection that sabotages our chances of having an impartial and efficient judiciary and a state of consolidated law”, said deputy Stelian Ion.

Stelian Ion (USR) despre excursia în Brazilia a ministrului Justiției Alina Gorghiu alături de procurorul general și șefa Curții Supreme: „O nouă dovadă că politicienii PNL și PSD acaparează politic Justiția”

Posted by ab0756


  1. fufe la plimbare pe banii statului.

    in plus, dau dovada de prost gust: brazilia e varza ala ora actuala, nu m-as duce nici platit.

  2. Speciali hraniti si plimbati din bani publici cuveniti educatiei copiilor !!! Acesti speciali fura de la gura copiilor !!!