Employers have manufactured the SME ‘crisis’ to boost profits using assertion and anecdote – The Irish Times


Posted by SeanB2003


  1. If a business is relying on state subsidies in this economy then I don’t think that business is feasible, the taxpayer is basically paying to keep it open.

    Also I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a small business owner saying they’re doing well, I don’t know if it’s just Irish business owners but when I worked on tax computations for small businesses the owners would go on about their struggle while I could see the profit/salary they were making haha

  2. FlickMyKeane on

    Well colour me shocked. The media have to have a good hard look at themselves too given how willing they are to constantly put out puff pieces about the “crisis” for small businesses while rarely if ever pushing back on the wild claims many of them make.

  3. I think it’s somewhere in between, I would be very careful with any government levy as smaller business asks historically have been about reducing workers rights.

    We saw the uproar over the minimum wage for fruit pickers and there are untold stories the length and breath of the country of small business owners hiring teens until the age onto minimum wage.

    Let’s also not forget the thanks the public got for the service industry reduce taxes.

    If they want help they must meet certain standards work working conditions ect.