1. Russia and China forget about territories you used to have who no longer want to be with you challenge

  2. Living-Wall9863 on

    China doesn’t currently have a navy with sufficient amphibious capability. Until they build one they are just posturing.

  3. EyeLikeTheStonk on

    What? Mainland China is going to surrender to Taiwan? Because that’s the only way reunification is going to work.

  4. Necessary-Outside-40 on

    China lost control of Taiwan when its previous government fell. Xi just playing with himself in pubic

  5. PossibleAlienFrom on

    Taiwan isn’t Hong Kong. They will absolutely defend themselves and China knows that.

  6. YesItIsAnAltAcc on

    Except for the the most powerful military force to have ever existed on this planet.

  7. Chinese reunification is simple. All you have to do is dismantle the Chinese Communist Party and the rest will proceed naturally.

  8. I feel that we’re not the intended audience of his comments. Another typical distraction tactic to divert attention away from lack of good paying jobs, lack of affordable homes, local governments having taken on too much debt, and heavily inflated GDP numbers that were used to advance careers in the CCP.

  9. Shot_Machine_1024 on

    The irony is the largest force stopping China is China. China heavily depends on exports and food imports…from the West. Then there’s the issue if the PLA is a fragile house of cards which can only handle small scale enforcement and flaunting.

  10. Mikethebest78 on

    Yeah “reunion” like it was a bad breakup and not a Civil War.

    I mean realistically the Chinese Civil War didn’t have alot of heroes but if it ever came to a shooting war it would be the ordinary people that suffered as in all war.