‘The damage is done’: Ruben Gallego says repealing Arizona’s near-total abortion ban now would be too little, too late



  1. It’s so weird getting worked up over a baby that hasn’t been conceived yet if you ask me.

  2. The Republican party has made their intentions crystal clear. If they get into power, they will strip away a woman’s right to choose. Every single time. And they won’t stop there.

    Vote accordingly.

  3. I’m voting for this guy but c’mon. It would be enough for now, but the republican legislature won’t bring it up.

    This situation has been baked into the cake since the day the 2022 law passed. He’s making hay while the sun shines, and he should, but damn if politics hasn’t become dumbed the fuck down to the lowest informed voter now a days. The voting valley has heard about 1864.

  4. MagicMushroomFungi on

    In 1899, The Cleveland Spiders lost 134 times against only 20 wins, making them the biggers losers of any era in Major League Ballball.
    Trump is an even bigger loser.

  5. nice-view-from-here on

    Repealing it now could only be a short term solution to a long term problem: Republicans. The suffering, the widespread outrage may be needed to wipe the state clean of those fuckers.

  6. Maybe politically, but it would have very real outcomes for Arizona families.

    And that should matter. Disappointed to see a dem talking like a sociopath.

  7. I don’t know if it’s really too late for it to matter, but it seems like repealing it would be better than not repealing it.

  8. Uhhh, because all the women that would ever want to have an abortion have already been denied? What am I missing here?