russians trapped in trench – Refuse surrender and forced out with grenades (full video in comments)

Posted by Due_Collar_3917


  1. NameIs-Already-Taken on

    We are heading towards 500,000 dead or injured Russians. Maybe we need to get to 1,000,000 for Putin to withdraw. That would be very sad.

  2. BattlesAndBeers01 on

    Full video here:

    “This stops when you come out!”
    Combat footage paired with the story to go with it from western Volunteer, @ThatGuySleezy

    He and his team participated in an attack on Russian trenches in early 2023. Several Russians were forced into a bunker and Sleezy threw multiple grenades into the entrance after demanding their surrender several times. They refused, so grenades kept being thrown.

    Sleezy was injured by an explosion coming from inside the bunker, and the fight resulted in several Russian POWs and KIA.