1. Intrepid_Brick_2062 on

    One million new patients per year. That’s what lies ahead. Our health care system will crumble under the weight of the Century initiative. We need immigration reform. I already can’t see a doctor. This is madness.

  2. BaseCommanderMittens on

    What lies ahead? Complete collapse? I have zero faith that anyone will be able to solve the current crisis. Politicians don’t care, won’t act and the public is still completely deluding thinking “at LeAsT wE AreN’T AmuRiCA” and “everyone gets healthcare, it’s just triaged”. When millions of people can’t see a doctor, it’s not triage, it’s failure.

  3. olddiscodude on

    Out of 10 , the hospital’s are running about a 3. I am old enough to remember how it use to be. I am not talking about the Doctor’s or Nurses or staff. Government funding sucks

  4. PeyoteCanada on

    Hopefully more federal funding directly to health authorities/hospitals. Provinces seem to be mismanaging the existing money, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re cut out of decisions.

  5. PeyoteCanada on

    Based on forecast demand growth, we need provinces to be completing construction on a large hospital every eight weeks (30 every 48 months). Apparently only three are planned or under constructions in all of Canada before 2028. By 2030, we may not have a healthcare system.