Help me with this

On a hike through a German forest, I went to a Christian grotto(shrine) and stumbled upon vandalism. As you can see in the picture Someone wrote: Asen-Grotto thanks allfather Odin. On the shrine itself I found a small bag bound to a fence protecting the shrine. Can anyone tell me what’s all of this supposed to be? Also tried to translate the runes but it’s kinda just gibberish.

The the scroll was in the plastic bag, the cloth bag contained the fossil and was filled with lavander.

Posted by ComposerPowerful3137


  1. Independent-Home-845 on

    Well, you do not need to understand the runes, just decipher it as a simple alphabetic code:

    Allvater Odin

    ich erbitte mir deinen Schutz und deinen Rat.

    All Ihr Asen

    All ihr Wanen

    wacht über mich.


    Allfather Odin

    I ask for your protection and your advice.

    All you Aesir

    All you Vanir

    watch over me.


    If he/she thinks it helps…. I just love the garbage bag around it.

  2. It’s a prayer to Odin asking for protection and guidance. I hope you left it where it was? It’s quite rude to steal offerings.