Donald Trump and Mike Johnson just mixed two big lies together. The continued effort by Trump and his allies to convince rank-and-file Republicans that any election they don’t win must be fraudulent is a profound threat to American democracy.


  1. Sunshinehappyfeet on

    How could Mike refuse after Trump gifted him with a free Bible and a Big Mac. /s

  2. lollipoppa72 on

    “Mmmm! Great Replacement Theory!”

    “Mmmm! democracy subversion!”

    [Bump into each other]

    “Hey! You got your democracy subversion on my Great Replacement Theory!”

    “You got your Great Replacement Theory on my democracy subversion!”



  3. No punishment for them is too harsh, and no sacrifice is too great to stand in opposition to them.

    This is war. We do ourselves a disservice treating it like a normal conversation.

  4. Luther_Gomith on

    SO… beating a dead horse with a stick Oh no undocumented voter rushing the voter booths hmm every accusation is a confession I think is the term here……

    Is this why they have been bussing immigrants to sanctuary cities

  5. Trump claimed widespread fraud in the election that he won as well. This is on brand lol.

  6. That’s okay, American democracy is pretty much bullshit anyway, and always has been

  7. Hey Republican voters, if you think the election is always rigged you might as well not participate.

  8. Squirrel_Chucks on

    Let’s imagine that some Republican found and successfully prosecuted organized 2020 election fraud.

    What do *you* see when you imagine it?

    I see someone set for life with money and right wing fame.

    They could write their own ticket. Do they want to run for national office? Insta endorsement from Trump and all other prominent Republicans.

    Do they want to just fuck off from politics and coast the rest of their life giving overpriced speaking engagements? That’s also an option!

    Basically, they would be the new Jesus (or maybe a Peter) that the MAGA movement has been hoping for.

    Why hasn’t that happened yet?

    **Because the crime they allege didn’t fucking happen!**

    *AND* they know it.

  9. This message makes GOP voters less likely to vote, because what’s the point if it’s all rigged? So while it’s dangerous violence wise, it’s also helpful election-wise.

    Sadly, based on his actions, I don’t think he has any plans to win the election. Just plans on how to try to take over when he loses.

  10. Drool_The_Magnificen on

    At this point most of us are just expecting Jan 6th part II. If they win, there will be violence. If they lose, there will be violence.

  11. StrengthThin9043 on

    This is some traitor talk right there. These type of lies are extremely corrosive on democracy. Russia couldn’t have a better agent in place. I just hope that a big enough portion of the American citizens doesn’t fall for this propaganda.

  12. I thought Mike Johnson was religious! Hmm

    Psalm 34:14 – Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. Psalm 101:7 – No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes. Psalm 120:2-3 – Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.

  13. MakingItElsewhere on

    In short: “We know you’re going to keep voting for us losers, but please remember, we’re really winners!”

  14. It’s like that one scene in Night where Elie’s dad is asking him for more water even though the water is killing him.

    Trump is literally killing the Republican Party, but they still keep chugging him. Even if the literal future of America is at stake, they just can’t help themselves. There is no excuse anymore: they have totally abandoned democracy in the name of furthering their own personal power, even if said power is sucked out of the mushroom-shaped member of a geriatric Apprentice host.

    Dictatorship *is* what they’re running on now. That’s their platform, and “owning the pedo libs” is the carrot they intend to use to walk their base off of the cliff.

  15. You want to know how democracy is going to die? Mike Johnson’s security status is not being flagged, reviewed, or looked at as compromised. The speaker of the house is rico with Mr 91 indictments on current government action/inaction.