In countries in Europe with a larger number of Muslims, separate communities of members of the Muslim faith appear, where different rules apply than those prescribed in the country and where they teach that they must hate non-believers and advocate for the establishment of sharia law in a European country. Investigative journalists have also published videos from Moscow and Muslim schools in some countries that confirm this:


[]( There are also known cases of extreme violence in Europe due to the publication of caricature jokes or the burning of the Koran. In France and Sweden, they have a lot of problems with these separate communities in their countries. Until now we had more moderate Muslims from the Balkan countries, they fasted, but I would never have thought that they would kill you for telling a joke about Muslims or thinking how they must hate all non-believers. Now, in some parts of Europe, radical Islam is spreading very systematically and a separate community is being created within the countries. With the new mosque financed by Qatar, could there also be a danger of the spread of a radical form of Islam in Slovenia, which would threaten the safety of citizens and the law in Slovenia? Because the recordings from other European countries, where there are more of them, are terrifying. In religious education and in churches, I would never hear how you must hate the unbelievers, about stoning, whipping, beating and killing the disobedient. Logically, two communities with such different cultures and moral values ​​in the same country should not function peacefully together.širjenjem_radikalnega/

Posted by vijolica18


  1. Komparativist on

    >Pri verouku in v cerkvah ne bi nikoli slišal, kako moraš sovražiti nevernike, o kamenjanju, bičanju, tepežu in ubijanju neposlušnih.

    To je morda res, toda cerkev in verouk sta grozna, saj so morali redditorji kot otroci zjutraj vstati in iti k maši in to jih je zelo travmatiziralo, saj zgodaj vstajajo le čudaki.

  2. Electrical_Map3847 on

    Namig: nasilje ni toliko kulturološko pogojeno, kot je socio-ekonomsko. Reakcionizem v Evropi ni zgolj povezan z muslimansko populacijo, ampak je v vseh aspektih družbe. Poglej primer nasilnega katolištva v Sloveniji v obliki Scutun Fideia, dr. Keržeja,…ti ljudje pozivajo h križarskim pohodom.

  3. Ko so v manjsini so se dokaj vredu.
    V trenutku ko to vec niso, se zgodba spremeni, na slabse. Precej slabse.

  4. Seveda je! Islam je popolnoma nekompatibilen z nasimi vrednotami. V osnovi gre za politicni sistem pomesan z vero.

  5. Electrical-Object382 on

    Večja možnost radikalizacije je bila pred Mošejo v Ljubljano.

    Ko so molili v manjših dvoranah, takrat bi lahko prišel kakšen norec, ki bi prepričeval muslimane v neko čudno vejo islama.