In the era of indignation over the “rudeness of Korčok’s voters/the opposition”, let’s remember how two years ago Blaha and Fico booed the crowd against the “American whore” Čaputová, and Fico claimed that “We will tell one day who killed Kuciak… and everyone will be shocked. “

Posted by LovelehInnit


  1. ProgressFun8296 on

    Tú miliónovú odmenu, čo núkal za odhalenie vrahov, potom odovzdá sám sebe?

  2. Fico: “My raz povieme kto Kuciaka zabil a budu všetci šokovaní, kdo Kuciaka zabil”
    Oni raz: “Boli sme to my”…
    Šokovaní voliči smeru: *surprised pikachu face*

    Ďalšie volebné obdobie: Hodia mu to tam znova.