As cruel as it might sound, letting several percent of people kill themselves off with cancer and cardiovascular diseases roughly by the time they reach retirement age is a perfect way to curb the disproportion between the working and non-working part of population, which obviously has very adverse economic implications, that are only going to get more severe in the upcoming decades. Bulgarian policy of keeping the tax on tobacco by far the lowest in the EU, without any shifts even during the recent wave of inflation, should be a model policy for allegedly far more advanced countries like Japan and Switzerland, which are facing similar challenges. Except for blowing smoke right into faces of your non-smoking countrymen* on every occasion, what other measures you can think of, both on personal and national level, that could potentially improve your quality of life in the future, should you not succumb to preventable diseases yourselves?

*and foreign visitors, but I realize we do not count

Posted by m_entp_programmer_92


  1. You misunderstand. The tax on tobacco isn’t low because of a dastardly plan to kill off the old. It’s because the party to suggest raising the tax will likely lose voters, and so none of them are willing to suggest such a thing. It’s far simpler an explanation.

  2. Zealousideal_Peach_5 on

    I dont smoke but I’ve seen many smokers actually live to 80 and then having problems. But thats not the main issue in Bulgaria. People drive recklessly and so many young people are dumb. They do drugs heavier than smoking average cigarrates.

    We need to fix our roads first. People drive like idiots. So many people die from driving than smoking which is mind blowing to me. It just shows the lack of thinking.

    Smoking is bad but we all breathe the smoke from cars, pollution and overall quality of life in Bulgaria is not that great even if you dont smoke. I myself never smoked and I will not smoke but I see the picture from a different perspective… people die from other stuff than smoke.